Salon is reporting that the NH General Court has passed, and Governor Lynch has signed, marriage equality legislation. As one of the comments says, 6 down 44 to go. Out of New England only RI appears to be AWOL on this issue.
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They have a fairly anti-equality Governor in Governor Don Carcieri, but he will be replaced either by the pro-gay marriage Chafee, or the pro-gay marriage (and coincidentally gay) mayor of Providence by this time next year. And the leg down there is overwhelmingly in favor.
p>Cudos to Gov. Lynch for spending political capital to help out gays, if only our President would finally do that on relatively widely popular positions on eliminating DOTA, eliminating DOMA, and creating federally recognized domestic partnerships. Broad majorities of Americans support that legislation, as does the the Democratic supermajority in Congress. And at least two of those actions would survive a SCOTUS challenge thanks to Anthony Kennedy I suspect. Really no risk at all for Obama who ought to spend some capital while he still can.
How can we compete with same-sex marriage that doesn’t have a sales tax, plus fireworks?