Melvin Miller, the man who founded and published the Bay State Banner for over 40 years had one of the toughest days of his life yesterday when he announced the Banner probably published it last edition last Thursday.
What does Adam Reilly do?
Knocks the guy over semantics. Classless Adam
Adam my boy, if anything your blog about the possible passing of this very important Boston institution is punk like and disrespectful to Mr. Miller and his wife.
This is the best you can when pontificating about this eventful announcement?
Again, another example of our illustrious local media not getting it.
Really Adam, WTF
Please share widely!
Adam Reilly, and now David Bernstein, are two of the better political writers in our city.
p>You may be right, but these two have turned the Phoenix into a well respected source of political news and observation.
david bernstein writes good in depth stories on BPD and ineptness.
p>But his understanding of the Bston political culture which can only be understood in context with institutional history is very lacking.
p>This shows most in his blog. For example, his belief that people like dapper O’Neil and Jimmy Kelly were central casting characters of “Boston Irsih Politicians” is far from the reality. But what makes it worse is it is obvious to anyone who has half heartedly followed politics.
p>Those two were complete gadflys. Kelly had some class (by that I mean character) but was not schooled in Boston politics. He was a southie loud mouth. Dapper was just a fraud.
p>irish pols never looked at those two as one of there own.
p>Everone knows that. Why doesn’t Bernstein?
Actually, Dapper was the major source of constituent service work on the Council (until Roache’s election). That gave him a fair amount of support from folks that otherwise opposed his beliefs.
p>Kelly was not in any way “unschooled” in Boston politics, but was able to leverage both the racism of the City’s electeds and the political illiteracy of the Globe to obtain and keep the Council Presidency.
p>Remember the Kelly Girls?
Kelly was just a southie guy so southie pols played ball with him.
South Boston politics went through an extended civil war in the Seventies and Eighties with the Jimmy-Kelly-Joe Casper-Louise Day Hicks faction against the Ray Flynn folks, with Bill Bulger playing both ends against the middle, but leaning towards Hicks. The shorthand overview would be the responsible anti-busing people (Flynn) against the opportunistic rabble rousers (Hicks, Kelly, et al).
p>In addition, there were developmental issues in play, including, but not limited to, condo conversion. Kelly wasn’t only a Southie guy. He had considerable in-District financial support from both Chinatown and the South End gay community, plus political support in the Council from JP and Dorchester.
Frankly, I thought Miller’s statements were a bit odd myself. They’re not going out of business–despite what the email said–they’re just going to stop printing for a few weeks to encourage investors to step up?
p>I don’t think Adam “knocked” him or acted the punk anymore than he just pointed out the oddity and inconsistency of the reasoning.
p>Are you saying he shouldn’t have called into question the very weak spin Miller was using? Because to me Miller’s desperate attempt to cover up the end of the paper by describing it as a call for investors did a disservice to the Banner as an important institution you correctly described.
p>There can be a proper eulogy, but there should also be a clear cause of death, methinks.
By using the “Not!” punchline you have just confirmed that you are at least 45 years old, and likely in your 50s, as no self-respecting Generation-Xer or Millennial would ever, ever, EVER use that as a punchline. Not even in an ironic, hispter way.
p>Other colloquialisms and gestures that cause those of us under the age of 40 to roll our eyes at you include:
p>”All that and a bag of potato chips”
“loooo-ser (with the figer L to the forehead)”
“woot! woot! woot! (as seen on Arsenio Hall)”
Any reference to letting the dogs out (I’m looking at you Mitt Romney…)
Fucking brilliant. The best part of your comment is the attitude. You are in a club that everyone wishes they were in. Especially because you are so much smarter than the rest of us. I mean, only a person your age could deduce from reading ernie that he is over 40.
I meant it as a creative critique. As you continue to embrace all these new social media technologies such as the Spacebook or Tweeter, I thought you’d like to know about the types of lingo that can turn off or turn on readers.
p>I mean, making the new generation of political observers roll their eyes because your politics and ethics are stuck in 1983 is one thing. Making the new generation roll their eyes because of using outdated Wayne’s World references…well that’s just sad and disappointing.
p>You’re better than that.
What does the snide sniping (talk about dating oneself!) have to do with the substance of the post?
The “snide sniping” is not appropriate…yet, it may be indicator of your own age group. Sticking to the subject and debating the facts presented is a better use of space and time.
Attacking someone for their use of colloquialisms instead of the substance of their post, which is what actually matters in a forum such as this, does not seem very pragmatic.
Is southshorepragmatist saying it’s time for me to stop posting on BMG? Maybe we should be subject to snark tests after the age of 40?
The most consistent thing about his reporting is that it’s shallow, sloppy, and snide:
p>While his articles are occasionally entertaining, they are rarely edifying- which is too bad considering the vast chasm between the two other papers that The Phoenix has to operate in. Since Bernstein took over the political reporting, they’ve been doing an infinitely better job of seizing the opportunity. Given the fact the Reilly doesn’t seem to actually understand what “Clintonian” means, this is no surprise.
p>It is weird for him to manufacture this little hit on Miller from an anonymous email not written by him which seems to actually confirm what Reilly reported Miller told him- that the banner is shutting down and hopes to start up later if more $$$ can be found. “Clintonian” is not just slightly different language saying the same thing, it’s using overly-narrow definitions of words to obfuscate or hide the truth; just one little notch away from blatantly lying. What’s being hidden here? Both statements make clear they’re closing and hope to reopen.
p>The question is what’s Adam’s real gripe here, did Miller once turn him down for a job or something?
p>And even if Reilly does have a legitimate gripe (Miller took Adams lunch money, of something), it is classless to kick a man when he’s down.
oh that free paper with the sex ads in it? Now that is an enterprise to be proud of but be quick because Craigslist will soon be putting them out of business as well.
try to fact check before you snark.
I picked up the Phoenix recently. It still had the adult section in it.
Suburban areas get a family-friendly edition (still free). That seems to be the case in my town.
No they did not, it is the one money making thing they have going. I don’t know who got to your Phoenix before you did but they stole the section of which I was writing.
Oh, the shame