I expect Mayor Menno’s fifth term to be a bust. He is what he is and the next four years will go on without vision, leadership, and concrete projects and policies.
Tom is good at shaking hands, being all over the goddamn place, holding grudges, and ruling city hall with fear rather then that of the leader of a very capable and talented team that he relies upon.
Instead Old Man Menino runs the city like some hard working Italian or Greek or whatever immigrants of the old days ran their small business.
Open it up in the morning and close at night, be there always, know everything, and I mean everything, going on. Never change a thing. The system works, why change a thing? Don’t change with the times. Don’t listen to your kids.
Of course we know the old timer deserves more respect and worked harder then anyone. But we also know, that if it wasn’y for the educated, modern, children those businesses would not have lasted past 1975, if lucky. They died because they were out of touch with the consumers and they could never get up to speed to compete with the new modern competition.
Which brings us back to “Old Man Menino”.
The increasingly popular topic of conversation starting in 2010 will be enough is enough. This guy can’t ask us to re-elect him again. Can he? So the propaganda will start to make sure he understands his next election will be a referendum on his ineptness and the time will be right. But the funny part is it won’t be propaganda, it will be the too long in coming emperor has no clothes sort of thing.
Because Menino has never had a “vision” for the city. Building wicked tall building and moving city hall to the waterfront is not vision. Shaking hands like Dapper and only doing favors for friends like Kevin White yet having zero real accomplishments to point to
Because we have kids in Southie and Dorchester and East Boston and Hyde Park dying of heroin ODs at epidemic rates.
Because we have kids as young as 15 in Roxbury, Mattapan, Dorchester dying of gun shot wounds received while waiting for the bus to school and walking home for school.
Kida have nothing to do, both black and white.
Today we see the city is thinking of charging people to use the parks.
Shot in the dark for next mayor? City Councillor John Connolly,
You will not have to worry about 4 more years. Anyone paying close attention to this race knows that Michael Flaherty is growing everyday.
p>4 more years of raising the meals tax before managing wasteful spending is not going to be acceptable for this electorate.
p>The threats will keep coming from City Hall but they will Stop after Nov.
What vision should there be of Boston? The last time a Boston mayor had a “vision”, we got an elevated artery bisecting the city.
p>I’d love to hear a real, workable vision, not just “better schools and less crime.”
That’s because the New Deal through Great Society vision was always more collectivised and away from the individual. The present day Democratic party cannot think of a leader except as one who somehow defies the backwards voter and makes a great stroke of genius by enacting another huge institution or building over a huge swathe of land.
p>The current vision is one of institutions rather than individuals. So the universities/hospitals/real estate interests eat up land at the expense of collapsing living standards for middle class families.
had a vision for Providence.
p>Obviously, he had other issues, but he had a vision.