Other than “Rusty”, is there a less common name for a black guy then ‘Skip”?
I originally believed that Skip Gates realized he had a “Golden Ticket” towards the very end of this fracas and pushed the envelope so any decent cop would arrest him, regardless of the legality of the arrest.
I now believe Skippy got the Golden Ticket idea as soon as he saw Crowley on the porch.
Now he is using his non-racist encounter to raise his profile and stand out from Cornell West and a few others. He gets to raise his lecture circuit fees and, in his mind, he is the next Rosa Park.
And in the process he screwed the average black guy who really understands the nuances of racism in this country. Gates yelled fire in a crowded theater when there was none. His DNA is Ivy and privilege and having his ass kissed. H e believes either there really was a fire, when there was not, or he believed he could convince everyone there was one when there was not.
Either was, Gates is the a-hole. Crowley is just a cop doing his job. That includes making an illegal arrest every so often and straightening it out later.
Good to see Oliver Wendy Murphy insert her into this cartoon.. We can now watch as Wendy takes this nice woman who comes off fantastic on the 9-11 tape and gets us all to say to her “Go away, will you?”
Wendy, as we all know, still believes the Duke Lacrosse team was not done wrong by the D.A.
But Wendy is trying to finagle an invite to the White House beer fest and of course get some national exposure.
What are her speaking fees?
Please go away Wendy, please. You must realize what a joke you are in the legal world.
I made a big miscue a few weeks back when I ripped little George Regan for going after Doug Rubin. I made the connection between Regan and Tim Cahill and Cahill’s friend Tom Kelly.
I forgot and there fore did not mention that Regan’s firm was on the payroll of Terry Murray. He was going to get her name in the Inside Track. And introduce her to Keith Lockhart.
Regan was out carrying water for Cahill and Murray on that one. Not just Cahill.
The political and business leadership in this city is at an all time low.
We have a mayor who even his supporters believe is behind the times on most things and a business community with no skin in the game because it is run out of New York or Charlotte or who knows where, but not here.
Non-profits like hospitals and universities cannot dominate the line-up for a city’s business team.
Here we now have local sport team owners a looked upon as the top tier of powerful businessmen in this city. That is the true sign of a bush league town.
Other then WEEI the only thing close to talk radio entertainment in this city is the Andleman Brothers.
Please, will some station sign them up for drive time.
Charley Baker is running on a no new taxes platform. On WBZ this morning he also said state lay-offs are the answer.
Deval, this guy needs to be knocked down a few pegs. You better be able to do it.
Think he has a glass jaw. He has never been the candidate, (selectman doesn’t count). He can’t take criticism.
Attack! Attack! Attack! (when the time is right of course)
All the duplicities. He practically writes the health care reform law then moves over to Harvard Pilgrim and makes big money for him and Harvard by implementing the law he wrote. Nothing wrong with that, but really. There is a lot of dirt to be thrown at this arrogant bastard. (That’s not to say you aren’t arrogant Governor)
I hate to say this but, shouldn’t Jim Braude just come out of the closest? He owned/ran a “leather shop” on Commercial Street in Provincetown in the 1970s and on his radio show he comments way too often about men he thinks are good looking.
That’s enough for me.
“Oliver Wendy Murphy” is pretty funny, but I think you might be over the snark line and toward the mean line in parts here.
p>Didn’t Jim Braude date Margery Eagan for a while?
Oliver Wendy is a disgrace. Snark? Mean?
p>I attack her professionally.
p>Obvioulsy you don’t know much about Oliver Wendy and her strong belief in the a system where “if they got arrested then they are guilty” and her disdain for the Bill of Rights.
on a ballgame.
The triumverate should thank their lucky stars that EB posts here. He ads the zest to complement really thoughtful stuff posted by people like Amberpaw and Ryan. I have been trying to figure out who he is and am mulling whether he is only one person. Some of his posts are perfectly worded while others have errors galore. His knowledge of Mass politics is unparalled on this site, he seems to know too much about what is going on. He is listening in on every backroom deal from here to Attleboro. He is there in the shadowed corners of every room on Beacon Hill. He is a real enigma. I think that Charley and Bob and David may have assembled him from several people’s parts up in that secret BMG laboratory over in Cambridge. That would explain much.
I prefer to be thought of as an idiot savant.
Don’t bring me in to your sick sexual fantasies Jim.
A devoted fan of the eb3 writings wonders:
p>How do you square this comment from above
p>”Crowley is just a cop doing his job”
p>with your comment a few days ago?
p>”what a disgrace this arrest was and how one incompetent police officer has given our part of the world a black mark.”
when a police officer does not cover his ass with an illegal arrest.
so should opinions. EB said sometimes it is the job of a cop to make a bad arrest and lie about it, or something like that.
p>Didn’t EB write, “Consistency is the hobgoblin of a narrow mind?”
Oliver Wendell Emerson:
Apparently, the Andelmans will be doing the Phantom Gourmet everyday at 12:30, starting August 3rd. I’m either going to have to quit my job, or get a Tivo.
…wasn’t there some Boston guy nicknamed ‘Red’ who became famous somehow? Malcolm Little, I think his name was…
Denzel won’t be playing Skip in the movie.
p>Erkel perhaps, but not Denzel.