George Regan, a little man with a big mouth, big hair, big collars, and bigger ego, went off on Doug Rubin yesterday.
(If you want a good laugh try listening to little Georgie’s Saturday morning radio show on the business station. Guy can’t keep a thought or ask a question. I’d like to hear him speak when he is drunk. Because sober he sounds shitfaced.)
Let’s put this in context. Doug use to work for Tim Cahill. Now he works for Deval. He will be running Deval’s re-election campaign more or less.
Cahill is a product of the duplicitous Tom Kelly. Cahill’s neighbor and former Bob Crane protégé who made big $$$$$ running bond deals through the treasurer office. Kelly turned Cahill into his own private ATM machine. Just like Crane was to him.
BTW I wouldn’t trust Bob Crane as far I could throw him. Now there was an ego. Only thing bigger than Crane’s ego are his teeth.
Back in the 70s Crane and Kevin White were asshole buddies. That is where Regan and Kelly became compadres as senior officers in their respective armies (White’s and Crane’s).
So now we are in 2009 and Kelly’s horse (Cahill) is running in the Kentucky Derby. This could be big for Regan. The list of private clients his bullshit manufacturing shop needs grows larger when he is thought to be ‘tight” with the Governor. It’s not too bad now as he is thought to be close to the treasurer.
Too bad for Regan that Timmy’s perception of himself is dwarfed only by his incompetence and inability to sound like he knows what he is talking about.
George showed what a class act he is by dissing Rubin.
Do we want these slime balls whispering in our next governor’s ear?
Georgie calling Rubin a professional dime dropper. Pot, meet kettle.
I did not say wrong, just cranky (as in annoyed, not wingnutish).
when I see what passes as Boston elite.
I never thought I’d say this, but–if only!
You’re right.
p>As much as I enjoy your insights into the finer points of assachusetts politics, I wish you would not hold back.
p>Comeon! tell us your true feelings!
p>When you say
p>does this mean you like Cahill or not? Be straight with us!