So why have they not re-posted the police report. You know, the one they posted for a few hours last week when no one else had it? The one they took down and refused to put back up since. (thank god David saved it when he did.)
The one that is the only official written report that is being referred to constantly in the media.
The one that the Globe is not posting because they don’t see the value in it. Everyone should read Adam Reilly’s post. The Globe has really jumped the shark.
This was the document Gerry Leone read, after many underlings, and shook his head and said “we can’t prosecute this garbage case.”
Remember, the Globe posted it then took it down.
It really doesn’t matter who or why. It just matters that they are so arrogant they don’t see the significance of posting then removing then giving lame excuses.
They don’t even care enough to fake it.
But the Globies and NYT people are smarter then you and me. They can un-ring bells.
The Globe brand means nothing anymore.
A new paper is needed.
And Dan Kennedy is a fraud too for not go after them on this.
So many people in the tank in this one.
Once again, Dan Kennedy has at least 2 active comment threads going on the Crowley/Gates matter, and yet you hide over here calling him out.
p>Whatsamattah? Chicken? B-gawk-bawk-bawk!
p>Oh and BTW, your sentence about Kennedy doesn’t really parse.
p>HAH! A grammar flame! Yes!
I have gone head to head with Dan many times on his blog. You must be a newbie.
p>Go back and check out our lengthy exchanges re: the Judge Murphy/david Wedge/Herald mess.
p>I like your effort, though steve.
p>I am giving my opinion here., on BlueMassGroup. If Dan wants to pay me more than David, Charley, and Bob then i’m all ears.
p>If Dan wants to write on the topic of why the Globe pulled the police report and what that says about journalistic integrity, ethics, independence, censorship, credibility, competence, etc.etc.etc.
p>Dan Kennedy not questioning this is like Bud Collins writing about the Lincoln/Sudbury High Tennis Team the day after the U.S. Open.
I know you’ve had conversations w/ Dan, both here and at his place.
p>What puzzles me is your timidity now… His lines are open, yet you don’t have the guts to confront him.
p>You lily-livered, weak-kneed, yellow-bellied paper tiger!
Or Globules?
Am I really in the tank if I defend Dan Kennedy on this? I’m going to claim immunity, since I already defended him the other day.
p>Have you contacted anyone at the Globe about this? Some might be willing to bite the hand that feeds, since it feeds chickenfeed these days.
Especially since. Not calling integrity into question.