Howie Carr’s bizarre on-air rants against Tom Finneran are disturbing.
What the Hell did Finneran ever do to him? Is Howie a self-hating Irish Catholic?
To say Howie has ‘no class” is a not only a huge understatement but an insult to the classless.
Tom Finneran is not crooked. His friends and political enemies know this.
Sal DiMasi is most likely a crook. But guess what? Nobody is surprised. He has always been suspect. Same for Dianne Wilkerson.
Charley Flaherty? Not a crook. But way too openly close with lobbyists. They got him for not declaring on his taxes that he stayed at a friend/lobbyists cape house for week. In other words he was supposed to declare the value of a weeks stay at the cottage and pay an income tax on it. T
But Howies has gone Joe McCarthy on us. Is Howie correct when he cries that the State House has many hacks, phonies, frauds, and lay-abouts? Yes. Was Joe McCarthy correct when he accused the Federal Government of having Communist spies working within it? Yes. (he was proven right, sort of, after the fall of the Soviet Union)
Is Howie a fraud when he makes himself out as a common man with Somerville roots? Of course he is.
Does Howie have to fake laugh to get through his four hour show filled with borderlines calling in with phony stories about welfare mothers in front of them at the check-out counter? Of course he does.
Howie has lived a sheltered life. He’s not as street smart as he thinks.
Joe McCarthy was a nut and went way out of his way to needlessly ruin many lives. Biographies of Joe suggest he was fighting a host of demons.
Did something happen at Deerfield Academy that made Howie so bitter? What, if anything, did those prep school richie riches do to the son of the guy mowing the lawn?
I’m not a psychologist so no diagnosis coming from me. But his rants on Finneran are becoming sad to listen to. They don’t make sense. And even if they did Howie’s creepy obsession with him should cause concern. Many Howie listeners have become familiar with Finneran through his morning show. They don’t see/hear the same person that Howie has been portraying him to be.
Where is our present day Joseph Welch?
We all know the great saying “The best revenge is good living”. But wouldn’t it be nice to see Howie shamed off to retirement someday.
Another great saying is, “What goes around comes around”. Howie, if anyone, deserves it to come around.
And you don’t need a Joe Welch, you need a Margaret Chase Smith
Chase Smith said it of McCarthy’s approach. It might equally well be applied to The Refined Mr. Carr of Wellesley:
when Howie was at the State House he was a skirt-chaser whose wife finally threw his butt out on their suburban front walk…someone like Finneran drives him nuts because Finneran is smarter, funnier and unerringly faithful to his wife and family…Howie could not measure up on all three of those counts…Finneran did not steal, did not take bribes, was not corrupt or morally deviant (as were so many public officials making headlines today) Finneran admittedly lied and paid a high price for his hubris, whereas Howie’s career is based on spreading lies and insults with impunity…We all know people like Howie Carr…small, bitter men with huge and insatiable egos who make themselves feel better by cutting others down, they think of themselves as incredibly funny…imagine a Deerfield Academy grad needing to make up grade school nicknames to demean his columns’ subjects, this is not pulitizer caliber…now an older, plumper Howie (no longer the self-styled ladies man) ends up hawking weight loss products on talk radio…his Dad must be proud.
p>I’ll have to ask dan “Search and Avoid” Conley.
Peter P’s fair point aside, I agree with everything you say here.
in most of his listeners and readers. Just like Limbaugh, 75 percent of his message is pure hate. He was pretty good years ago when he was a guest on the late Jerry Williams show but he really sold his soul when he got this gig.