This diary is as ungrammatical as it is tasteless.
“throws like a girl.” His sport is basketball, and from all accounts he plays it well, especially one on one.
I can beat Barack on one leg in any sport. Bring him on.
You’re too subtle. I think the message is simply “I poop on you”.
p>Fridays in summer must be Triumph the Insult Dog days on BMG.
I was aiming for tasteless. I will now never mention his slight of special olympics again.
That was a single off-hand comment made months ago on a late-night talk show! As Jay Leno himself would say – “Don’t write me a letter.” If your skin is that thin you might want to avoid such shows.
p>That being said I’m wondering where the regular weekly joke revue is; I look forward to it each Friday.
Your buddy Ryan is not thrilled with the progress on gay issues. Thin skin on Ryan? No he’s just pompous. HEY GAYS: HE DOESN’T NEED YOUR 5-6% ANYMORE. He won. How does it feel to be used? Ain’t bashing if it’s true.
Yes, he can be oversensitive as well, and I called him on it in the transgender thread, but I also rated your response to that a 3 because you went way overboard insulting a member of the BMG community. I just think we all could take a breath sometimes.
Somebody who can’t tell the difference between gay and transgendered clearly struggles with understanding the issue in the first place.
You didn’t rate my comment so I wasn’t sure to whom you were refering as “somebody who can’t tell the difference between gay and transgendered”. I think it’s safe to say I can tell the difference.
This diary is as ungrammatical as it is tasteless.
“throws like a girl.” His sport is basketball, and from all accounts he plays it well, especially one on one.
I can beat Barack on one leg in any sport. Bring him on.
You’re too subtle. I think the message is simply “I poop on you”.
p>Fridays in summer must be Triumph the Insult Dog days on BMG.
I was aiming for tasteless. I will now never mention his slight of special olympics again.
That was a single off-hand comment made months ago on a late-night talk show! As Jay Leno himself would say – “Don’t write me a letter.” If your skin is that thin you might want to avoid such shows.
p>That being said I’m wondering where the regular weekly joke revue is; I look forward to it each Friday.
Your buddy Ryan is not thrilled with the progress on gay issues. Thin skin on Ryan? No he’s just pompous. HEY GAYS: HE DOESN’T NEED YOUR 5-6% ANYMORE. He won. How does it feel to be used? Ain’t bashing if it’s true.
Yes, he can be oversensitive as well, and I called him on it in the transgender thread, but I also rated your response to that a 3 because you went way overboard insulting a member of the BMG community. I just think we all could take a breath sometimes.
Somebody who can’t tell the difference between gay and transgendered clearly struggles with understanding the issue in the first place.
You didn’t rate my comment so I wasn’t sure to whom you were refering as “somebody who can’t tell the difference between gay and transgendered”. I think it’s safe to say I can tell the difference.
I was agreeing with your rating on billxi’s comments…he’s the one who can’t tell the difference.
I actually later went back to his comment and realized you had joined me in rating it a 4.
look where that got us.