Saturday and Sunday, July 18th and 19th
9 am to 5:30 pm
1199SEIU: 20 Maple Street, Springfield
Mass Alliance is an umbrella organization for variety of progressive organizations across the state. They have been behind many progressive wins in the eastern part of the state, most notably Rep. Carl Sciortino and Sen. Pat Jehlan. They also work on issue campaigns such as progressive taxation and immigrant rights.
Whether you are an experienced campaigner or new to campaign work this seminar gives you a thorough training on how to run and win local and state level elections. Topics include; determining the number of votes you need to win, how to use the press for a successful campaign, effective fundraising, voter identification, and how to run “knockout” field and winning GOTV operations.
It’s a rare opportunity to have such high level, affordable, campaign training in this part of the state. Whether you want to be a candidate, campaign manager or an informed volunteer; this training is for you!!
Space is limited.
Please contact or call 617-722-4320
I think I will do a post on Mass Alliance and the politicians who seek their endorsement.
p>Why would a politician want the endorsement of Mass Alliance?
p>By the way, will the Mass Alliance member Democratic Socialists of America be making a presentation?
I promise to leave my attitude at home.
I was actually thinking of going.
I did this a year or so ago in Cambridge and found it very worthwhile.