Gail Garringer, the first Child Advocate charged with protecting all the children in our state with a staff of herself, two employees and two interns – has released her first report. The Report
That’s right, folks, children are so important to our Governor and the state that five people – two of them interns are all it needs to protect every single one of the more than 20,000 kids in care, the 800 legal orphans created each year.
Wait – it gets better. The first year the Office of the Child Advocate was granted a $300,000 budget. This year it is $260,000
And just think – movie makers get twenty million.
I guess poor children, abused children, children in foster care don’t need the same tender loving care and protection that movie stars making millions of dollars need in order to send all of that tax money to their homes in other states.
Excuse me. You are right. I am NOT HAPPY about this. Not at all happy, in fact.
But, as the OCA’s report notes [see page 16] – there are still no Guardian Ad Litems for poor kids educations, or Gauardian Ad Litems for best Interest to investigate and report. No. Chief Justice for Administration and Management abolished those guardians of the vulnerable on November 14, 2008.
Remember: My Open Letter to Governor Patrick in November of 2008
And, though I wrote an open letter, faxed seventy legislators…the silence has been total. I never did get a written response from Governor Patrick, nor from 68 of the 70 legislators I faxed.
But then…poor kids don’t vote, do they? Or attend fundraisers.
is that this governor has come up short on so many levels in terms of progressive values as it relates to human services. This guy is NOT a progressive. He’s a corporate greedhead. He doesn’t really give a rat’s patootie about human services. Look no further than his appointees as department heads- G-D service providers!! How cynical…how absolutely crass. People know this…and still want to give him a pass. If this guy had been a Republican and had been so asleep at the wheel, the bulk of this forum would be screaming. But he’s a Dem…and therefore, won’t be called to task on it.
p>ABD, Amberpaw, ABD.
p>Been part of lots of many screaming matches targeted at Republican administrations when times were bad, and we were able to create hero opportunities for the leadership in the Democratic House and Senate to repair and restore programs that had been cut.
p>The last time “times were bad” in 2001, 2002 we were able to mobilize Legislative support under the Leadership of Tom Finneran and Tom Birmingham for guess what, a pretty progressive tax package combo of rate increases, increased deductions, and circuit breakers to support threatened human services, local aid, public safty, public health, parks and recreation, enviornmental protection etc etc.
p>Is it playing out again you think? All this talk about “gaming” revenues to provide the needed cash? Can we put together another progressive revenue package of increased rates and deductions?
The reason I am not sure whether we can put together a progressive tax package combo is because we have a Democratic governor and a democratic legislature. Is the legislature going to rise to a “hero opportunity” when the Governor is a Democrat? Can they get enough media “bang for their buck” when the Governor is “our guy?” What’s in it for them if they can’t thwart the other party? Yes, I know I sound like a cynic, but as someone who has been pounding down the hallways of the state house looking for something, anything resembling compassion and heroism…I don’t have much hope. Finneran and Birmingham (say what you want) were city guys and they got their constituency wasn’t financially insulated enough to write big checks when the state couldn’t provide services for their loved ones. The “let ’em eat cake” mentality of the current administration and the leadership of the legislature is very troubling. Millions for a movie studio, though. Show me your budget priorities and I will show you who you are as a human being.
p>And you know what? I’m being kind when I called Mr. Patrick “asleep at the wheel,” because that would at least imply he was impaired while driving. My gut sense is that he is very, very aware..and just doesn’t care. Human services just doesn’t rise to the level of his notice.
The only problem, though, is it’s going to happen next year. All these taxes that the state house refuses to engage in now are going to become necessary next year, when the news is just as bad, and the stimulus funds just don’t plug nearly as many holes. And the year after that… eek.
p>So, yeah, expect these combo of taxes and deductions next year and the year after that you’re expecting. There’s literally going to be no other choice.
and damn to those parents who won’t buck up and take responsibility for their children. When you have a child it’s time to grow up and help that child grow to become a self sufficient, productive member of society. Does that mean a ton of sacrifice? It sure does. Is it easy? No way. The hardest job you’ll ever have.
p>It’s too bad the government can’t invest in a better foster care system. These children are growing little humans filling their brains with whatever is dished out to them during their formative years. It is often the most awful things. We will and do pay for this in so many ways.
p>What a shame.
p>2. As for the totally cheesy funding for the historic Office of the Child Advocate – I find that so appalling – that I am in awe, totally in awe of the “brass balls” Gail Garringer has shown in going forward.
p>Then I compare #1 and #2 – above – with the funding of celebrity projects, and my head hurts and I admit it – I get teary eyed.
p>The phrase “You can pay now, or you can pay later” with regard to children’s services does come to mind.
There IS legislation filed, so before listing the “one other” legislator I am betting – or maybe hoping – to find a few co sponsers on it.
for these children. It is such a valuable gift that you give.
p>It sure is irritating to be ignored by your elected officials, especially when you put so much work into contacting them with a clear statement explaining this important issue and then provide supporting documentation. The least they can do is acknowledge that they received it. They sure know how to contact us when they need support.
p>Don’t give up. Your voice is being heard. Supporting foster children is the worthiest of causes.
If a parent’s a drug addict, he or she’s a drug addict. It’s a sickness. Not all drug addicts can sober up, just like not all cancer patients can be fully treated. Sad? Yes. Frustrating? Of course. But it is reality.
p>Plus, it’s easy to gripe about bad parents, much harder to make sure this state cares for vulnerable children when necessary. Honestly, I don’t care how much money we have to spend, our state and country has a duty — at base — to ensure each and every child has an equal opportunity to succeed in life. No one should be destined for destitution at birth, whether their parents are crack addicts or work so hard to pay the rent that they just don’t have the time to read to their kids at night, or send them to a proper daycare.
To toss some good snark. But I can’t. This stuff is serious.
of being snarky on this subject? Seriously?
to be serious ……………….
For those of you who thought I was full of shit… You can stop proving me right anytime now.
and it can’t be refuted. The budget priorities tell us all we need to know.
The fact that we give $20 million to big blockbuster movies to come film here, but only $260k to fund this office, is something this state should be ashamed of. Why don’t we repeal that stupid, no-good hollywood tax credit crap and use that money on social services in this state, first and foremost our most vulnerable children. How much would that $100+ million fund? A lot, I imagine.
p>WTF is our state’s priorities?
p>Governor Patrick, Senator Murray and Representative DeLeo — fix this!!! I don’t give a shit about that Tom Cruise movie… but I do care about our kids!