First keyword.
Vaccine aduvants…
Second keyword
Immunity for big pharma…
Third keyword
Fourth keyword
zones of privacy…
Fifth keyword
drug markups…
Last keyword
medical martial law…
Please share widely!
on this subject. If my wife, who works in the health care industry becomes debilitated in any way shape or form due the the effects of the coming mandatory swine flu shots scheduled for this fall I will be pissed.
…be respectful enough of the President to call him by his legal name.
p>Secondly, what’s your solution for the problems of our system (and if you deny such problems exist we can end this discussion right now before it even gets started).
of the medical industry since it has become a cash cow even greater than the military-industrial complex.
The second point would be a return to the Hippocratic oath of do no harm.
The third point might be the prohibition of direct to consumer drug ads.
And I don’t know what the real name of the person occupying the whitehouse is.
p>If everything was on the up and up then why does big pharma need legal immunity?…
For the record, the President’s legal name is Barack Hussein Obama II (or Jr. – I think I’ve seen both). He went by Barry when he was younger, but I don’t believe he has ever used Soetoro.