Maybe 400% or more, so that a $20 game costs $100, and hardly no one buys one, ever again. They are surely the most wasteful thing ever invented, bad for health, bad for mind, bad for the earth, bad for everything. Wasteful to use, wasteful to make, wasteful to market and sell. Is there one thing they are good for? No! They divert people from actual fun and real life. They divert the best efforts of the most skilled and genius programmers, who are needed in other fields, to green the internet and improve epidemiology and medicine and finance.
I'm ready to support a 1000% tax on video games. Not implementing this tax would be inexplicably stupid, worthy of capital punishment. If we instead say its more important to have a video game industry than stop global catastrophe, then we should just kill all the babies right now. What are we thinking, that we have to accept video games just because we played them when we were kids? We were fools!!! Time to man up and take action.
…some people like to play video games. So what? Video games are just a drop in the ocean of stupid things we Americans enjoy wasting our time on. I mean jeez, 95% of the crap we all do on the internet (BMG obviously being in the good remaining 5%) is just as silly and wasteful as XBox or Playstation. Let’s just stop having fun altogether and tax by 200% popular music, YouTube, Monty Python DVDs, Stamp Collecting, and Fantasy Football.
p>Attention everyone: Fun is now outlawed – get cracking curing cancer and solving global warming.
p>And why do we have to “man up”? Why don’t we have to “woman up”?
How serious are we about the climate catastrophe? Oooh, but we need video games!!
p>We shouldn’t stop at video games, we should tax movies and videos and RedBoxes too. And tax making them. And stop spending our tax dollars enforcing copyright on games and videos and even music. If people want to support an artist by buying a CD or DVD, they can do that, but they should pay more of the true cost, and also pay a 200% tax on top of the what they are paying to the theater or video game company or store.
p>We will still be able to find free fun, though there’ll be so much more work to do, we won’t need to fill up as many hours with something “fun” anyway.
p>I don’t think women play video games much. But to the extent they do, they should certainly “women up” and stop buying and playing video games.
Taxing video games and ending copyright protections will not solve the global climate catastrophe. Sorry. Unless Rockstar Games makes Al Gore or Captain Planet the protagonist in the next edition of its Grand Theft Auto franchise.
p>Back to the drawing board.
…as the charachter the player controls, e.g. Niko Bellic in GTA IV.
between the mindless republican reactionary tribalism that proclaims “Give me carbon or give me death!” and insists that carbon burning vacations are sacred and untouchable, and self-interested democrats who feel the same about video games and life science research, there is nothing. Well, nothing but the Pope, who points out that we have to face all of our contradictions, because we can’t make progress if we also cling to positions that undermine progress.
Video games are a.) fun b.) not the reason for the economic melt down, global warming, or preventing us from excelling in life sciences and c.) employ a lot of people.
p>This is the funniest thread I’ve participated in in a while.
even though they’re both unnecessary and wasteful.
p>Biology is, you know, critical to human advancement and is responsible for many of the wonders in modern medicine. It’s scary you feel that science is “unnecessary and wasteful”.
p>Hooray life sciences!
maybe after we avert this devastating catastrophe, we can resume human advancement. Right now it is foolish, it will contribute to destruction to pursue it, especially at the pace and scale we’ve been doing it. It should be cut back 80%, we’ll need some expertise, but not this much.
p>I have personally saved this planet from catastrophe numberous times! Global warming is bad, but it’s a good thing I was here to protect us from, but not limited to:
p>– The Covenant
— Diablo, Baal, and Mephisto
— Terrorists
— The Sons of Liberty
— The New York Yankees
— The Hittites
p>So, as you can see, we may bake from climate change, but at least were aren’t being annihilated by the Flood.
… to History Monday this week?
You should.
p>Re: the programmers, with rare exceptions (small shops), game programmers make less than the industry average, because it’s considered fun work. So they already have an incentive to stop.
… to History Monday this week?
…kinda like your Jack Layton thingie there. Libby Davies or Bill Blaikie maybe, but Jack Layton?? C’mon…the guy’s a stone-cold loser.