If being speaker is like throwing a ball then Bobbi “with an i” DeLeo throws like a gurl.
The transgender bill is the latest prize from the gift that keeps giving known as “The Speaker”.
The person who is suppose to drive legislation, allow opinions to be heard, build consensus without stifling debate, protect the members, and protect the institution is once again giving the voters another reason to re-elect Deval.
Mass Equality (now that gay marriage is over the high paid executives need a reason to exist) went to every rep and senator and said if you don’t support this bill we are going to never ever endorse you and strongly support any opponent you may have. We will label you a hater. Then, like Michael Corleone telling Senator Geary that he would appreciate him putting up the $100,000.00 fee for the Nevada gaming License, Mass Equality asked each rep and senator to sponsor this bill.
Speaker Bob DeLeo was one of the first to step up. Rarely does a speaker sign on to a bill. But here we have over 100 of them signing on.
To sum up the transgender issue there are 3 prevailing views.
1. Allow the new transgender protected class to be defined by ‘expression” of the individual. The bill Bobbi and the 100+ weak kneed frauds are champion defines the new transgender protective class as
The term “gender identity or expression” shall mean a gender-related identity, appearance, expression, or behavior of an individual, regardless of the individual’s assigned sex at birth
I call this the “I feel my feminine side today” standard.
2. Others prefer a standard requiring more than the immediate declarations of the individual. This group would rather see the person have a history where there is doctor’s care and a process is underway for the gender transition.
I call this ‘note from the doctor” standard.
3. The third group says “screw them all” regardless of the medical evidence that the person suffers from a transgender issue and is taking legitimate medical steps to deal with it.
I call this the “Screw them all” standard.
Now, because Bobbi is to ram through a law declaring a new protected class based on the “I feel my feminine side today” standard reps are going to have to explain why they prefer that standard over the ‘doctor’s note” standard.
If you have followed the argument for the “I feel my feminine side today” you see a string of specious attempts to avoid answering directly the their problem with the ‘doctor’s note standard.
The responses have been two pronged. when pointing out the difference between Chas (Chastity) Bono and Denis Rodman.
1. That will never happen because it hasn’t happened yet.
2. The courts will figure it out.
Seriously, that sums up the response. By one definition a lousy piece of legislation is one the courts have to figure out. That is called passing the buck. Also called sackless legislature.
But anyway, back to the reps that support the “I feel my feminine side today” standard. Can’t wait until they have to explain to their constituents why they prefer that standard over the doctor’s note standard. This is a gift to their opponent.
They will have to explain to school committees what effect this has on their policies. They will have to explain to health club members what the rights are to dress and change in a locker room with a reasonable expectation of privacy from opposite sex when exposing private parts.
Instead of protecting members from this Bobbi D brings his own can of gasoline to throw on the fire..
Great Bobbi. I also can’t wait until it passes and Deval vetoes it. You will veto it, right Deval? I mean you do favor the doctor’s note standard over the “I feel my feminine side today” standard.
OK, let’s recap Bobbi’s fantastic six month journey of incompetence.
1. House Ways and Means puts out good budget based on information provided at the time by executive branch.
During debate week new revenue projections are released which make the House version a fiction. All members were in session when they became aware of the fact that the budget they are currently debating is a fiction. Everyone knew this.
What did Bobbi D. do? He said ignore it and we will go forward like we never saw the new projections.
And, by the way it was at this time that he promised each and everyone of them that there would be a vote for only one tax. The sales tax. Yet he knew his numbers were based on a fiction.
So the result was obvious. The senate handed the house its lunch and Deval got awesome political capital out of it at the members’ expense.
2. Now the most conservative member in the house is ruling like his predecessor. If I give the Globe what they want they will leave me alone. Same for Mass Equality, a fully owned subsidiary of the Globe editorial page.
Bobbi, are you hoping they will be with you on the slots? Is like Sal and universal health care. Give them what they want and they won’t notice the wheeling and dealing. All those constituents of yours on Revere and East Boston and Winthrop who all have some interest in the track must be so far up your ass right now.
If I was the state GOP here is what I would do. Spend most of the money on a candidate against DeLeo. Buy newspaper ads every week in Winthrop and eastie asking him to explain himself on all sorts of stuff. Demand debate.
That will keep Bobbi off track and thus the House off track. Also be good clearing house for votes of other reps which caan then be passed on to repub challengers throughout the state along with the significance and how best to use it.
But remember. They are not run ning against legislature or DeLeo. They are running against the individual reps.
Then have the repub opponents through out the sate do the same but make it personal. Don’t run against legislature. Run against the individual rep on his record. He/she ain’t doin the job should be theme.
Of course you can’t do this unless you have a candidate full of piss and vinegar. Out everyday and understands that issues and GOP and anti- legislature issue is 10% of getting elected.
That is the secret every rep knows. You have to get off your ass and work hard to win. Nobody asks issues. Just work and be seen working and take names. Why are you running? Because the current rep is not the job, that’s why. Attack and attack. You have to show constituents that he is not doing the job. And you have to be seen as a real candidate who can win. That isn’t determined until late august (if dem) or October (if repub) but you cannot get it without hard work in April and May.
Now get out there and kick ass. And if you win you can thank Bobbi DeLeo for it.
Imagine having a state rep that is more liberal than Deval? Next year many voters will be told just that. And the record proves it. Charter schools, transgender issue, not to mention the need for ethics and pension reform are going to be tied around many rep’s neck in the coming months.
So if Deval wins in ’10 he too can thank Bobbi DeLeo.
that you’re not a fan of Mr. DeLeo.
p>Do you have a position on legislation protecting transgendered people?
that by sheer weakness allows this piece of crap legislation (which has many more implications over the interpretation of what should be a medically verifiable condition then bathroom usage)
p>Think through the “expression” standard and one sees the creepiness that this lets in.
p>Plus it changes the definition of male/female from a scientific one to a personal choice. WTF
p>The note from the doctor standard is the way to go. My heart goes out to a transgender who must battle through it. Like Chas (Chastity Bono) and not like Denis Rodman.
p>Bob DeLeo is very conservative guy. For him to sell out moderates and even many liberals because of political expedience shows he does not deserve the job.
p>If he truly believes in the “I feel my feminine side today” standard then explain why and distinguish it from the many more main stream views and conservative positions he has had in the past.
p>You have it wrong Yellow Dog. I am a fan of rep Deleo and a fan Bob DeLeo. I’m just not a fan of Speaker DeLeo.
p>He is hurting the institution and the reps that elected him. He needs to turn things around real soon.
p>I just observe and comment YD. That’s all.
p>Many people spoke about the scientific arguments of why people transition. Moreover, many scientists think there’s a wide difference between sex parts and gender identity. These facts don’t conform to your worldview, so you’ve ignored them every single time someone’s brought them up.
I thought you wanted us to run against them. Now you’re worried DeLeo isn’t protecting them?
on a ballgame.
DeLeo has left the flanks seriously open. I don’t “want” anything.
from your post, it’s not possible to tell you care for the guy at all.
p>I’m always to get your insider take on things. I read the Globe and the SHNS, but live out West where I don’t hear much otherwise.
p>Beyond your political perspective, I’m interested in the efficacy of trangender legislation. I lobbied my state senator on marriage equality, got letters signed, etc. I have sympathy for transgendered people, and I wonder what good legislation would look like.
p>It seems you like the doctor’s note idea. On the other hand, gays, lesbians, and bisexual people don’t need a doctor’s note, which implies a psychological disorder.
It is a medical/scientific fact.
p>Ignoring it is no differnt then the DeLeo and his “leadrrship team” ignoring the new revenue projections and voting for a fiction. And getting 106 reps to vote for the same fiction.
p>How many have signed on to this bill allowing the definition of sex to become an abstact after being a concrete since life began.
p>Whose side is on whose in this Scope Monkee Trial.
p>MasEquality want us to ignore science and Dawrinism is favor of justifying their existence after gay marriage sald days are far behind.
p>Paul Donato is a sponsor. Fucking Paul Donato! Do you think he has a clue what he signed on to? Not really. But since Boobi D. signed on. how bad could ot be?
p>Now here/s Paul with his pants down and his you know what in his hand.
p>Brcause DeLeo sucks.
p>Bring back Finneran!
Sex is a medical fact, and so is gender. And it is a medical and psychological truism that they don’t always match up. Agreed that there should be some constancy to a person’s declared gender choice beyond a day-to-day declaration, but the solution isn’t the bigotry — and the clear implication that all transgendered people are by nature perverts (which is why they shouldn’t be allowed in this or that bathroom, as if no straight person could possibly be a pervert) is prejudicial stereotyping of the highest order.
the loose standards would allow ANYONE to use the Mens or Womens room. So not just transgendered or transgendering people could use whatever room they want.
p>That means that a heterosexual predator, say James Marzilli, could go into a women’s room with your wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter etc. whenever he wanted. Your implication that ony transgendered would be using the law is absurd and you, intentionally I think, are missing EB3’s point.
p>Go to some functions and the room to the mens or womens room could be a mile long. How long would it take some drunken lout, upset at the long lines for the urinal, turn the womens room into a unisex bathroom?
The “loose standards” you reference would do no such thing.
p>Read the comments in the other thread. There are actual cases that flat-out refute the allegation that this law allows men into the women’s room. Look into the Maine school case. Same law, man was denied access.
p>As for your completely unrelated final scenario, there’s no law now that prevents a “drunken lout” from using the women’s room with no line. (Of course, when have you ever seen the men’s room with a line when the women’s room didn’t have one?) If the alleged lout is a problem, he’ll be kicked out, and this law certainly wouldn’t let him get back in.
And ask the courts to do the legislature’s job.
p>How much money did it cost to litigate to come to this decision that you say don’t worry about.
p>let’s put the language in the law. Is that a problem eury?
so it is about the bathrooms for you, Ernie. See, I told ya you’d come full circle.
p>I’ve stated numerous reasons… just for starters… about why it’s a problem. Ernie, just about every law ever written ends up in court one way or the other. Stop lying and making up mythical arguments about what makes or breaks ‘good law,’ that are all really meant to just hide your prejudice. You’re not interested in good law, you’re interested in screwing up good law. You want as few people to express their self-identities as possible. The thought of people you consider so different gaining acceptance and equal rights in life is frightening to you. Don’t worry, Earnie, I promise it’s going to be okay. Once it’s all over, you won’t even know it happened.
Can you believe they want to take them down with this bill? They’re the only protection we’ve got! How else would we keep sexual predators out of bathrooms, than by using our invisible shields, today, that prevent males from entering the lady’s room and vice versa.
p>/snark off
p>Seriously, dood, enough with the nonsense. 1) transgendering is your own made-up term. The term is “transgender.” 2) People who are transgender are not predators. That’s offensive. They just want to be able to live life within the discrimination you’d like to impose on them. TThis bill will not make anyone less safe, but it will help make one of our most vulnerable minorities safer.
p>Is this happening in Boston lately? Because you realize Boston has had this exact same policy for years now, right? If it’s not happening in Boston today, or any of the 13 states that have this law, then why is it going to suddenly be a problem? Stop being so sophomoric and scared. You should try to be accepting of those who are different than you.
Ernie Boch’s “inside view” on the transgender issue. That’s like asking what I think on how best to build a nuclear power plant. Ask someone that knows a single freaking thing about the issue.
p>The ‘doctor’s note’ idea is a terrible idea. A huge portion of transgender people live in poverty. Many of them are even homeless. Many of these people will have a hard time getting a doctor’s note, dontcha think? Furthermore, the bill protects against discrimination against gender expression — which means it will protect those who are gender nonconforming. That’s a far greater sum than just transgender people. It will protect gay people, lesbians, bisexuals, people who are gender queer and don’t like to identify as either, as well as people who are completely straight. Lots of people who don’t conform to their genders end up being subjected to discrimination when finding housing or at the workplace. These people deserve protection, too.
p>Finally, and perhaps most importantly (as Stomv’s legislative aide friend pointed out in his email), is that this language is actually the legally precise language — contrary to the spin Ernie Boch’s put on it. 13 other states and hundreds (or even thousands) of cities, counties, towns and businesses use it. It’s been to court and back again. It works. It’s not abused. Put other language in and it’s a whole new precedent. It may very well turnout that different language could lead to some of the things EB3 fears, because the language in this bill doesn’t. But, at base, that language will lead to continued discrimation. The point of the entire bill is to end discrimination against perhaps the most vulnerable minority in our state; why the hell would we want to dilute it? It works in every other state and county it’s been instituted in. It’s worked in the city of Boston for years. Why the heck would you ever want to change it — and why the heck would you go to EB3 for advice on the best way?
crap about this issue?
p>You’re not fooling anyone. You don’t know the “resounding views” (you made them up). You don’t know what transgender people go through. You ignore arguments and evidence contrary to your world view.
p>Pick something else to complain about. Your bigotry is showing.
p>Ryan, ryan, ryan.
p>All I want to do is trust but cut the cards when we have a protected class which will be allowed protections others don’t have.
p>It’s not about bathrooms my friend.
p>it’s about changing biological definitions to fit yours and others humanistic views. This is not a small deal and it is not about bathrooms.
p>If you feel like a woman I would trust you would seek some professional consultation. No?
p>Since when has gender been differnt from sex when defining the male/female biological definitions?
p>same definitions for most people and using your own knew definition of gender is a linguistic corruption used to make an intellectuallt false argument.
p>gender is sex and sex is not a personal choice.
differentiated between when a person is transgendered and when they’re not based on whether they meet the established Gender Dysmorphic Disorder criteria from the DSM-IV. That’s basically the doctors note position. If you’re suing for $ based on being discriminated against because you claim you’re in a protected class then you should bear the burden of showing that you’re actually in that class, usually by providing medical or psychological testimony.
p>So you’re doctors note position is already the current standard in court. The bloviating of a few Reps aside, does this bill actually change that standard to allow a mere claim of being in a class to be enough to prove your case?
Just add the language to the bill so we won’t have to cost private citizens and the tax payers the $$$$$$ to litigate what the legislative intent was.
p>I just don’t know how straight white guys get on in this world with so much persecution and discrimination against them, EB3. Maybe you should talk to Pat Buchanan about this?
p>You self-centered twirp.
p>Question, tell me ryan, What exactly have u or a friend been denied, I mean personally and give the facts please.
p>State of dress, appearance, how long transgender, professional consults (if any)facts of discrimination.
p>Let me hear the facts please
p> Other then people getting beat up. That is not what this is about either. Discrimination that is not protected under the law.
you could correctly spell twerp as twirp. Webster’s Collegiate says so.
p>At the risk of wasting my time, of which I have extra, being on vacation and all…
p>There are genitals and there is sexuality. The former is a biological given, except for the thousands of hermaphrodites born every year. The latter is instinctual and socially constructed. If you don’t believe the last part, think of your experience in English boarding schools and prison.
p>For many of us, sexuality is pretty much black and white: you are either heterosexual or homosexual. For a lot of people, sexuality is gray. Experiencing the world as you (presumably) and I do, it’s hard to comprehend the gray,
but I’ve seen it in friends who have gone from married with children to lesbian and back again. Some people dismiss this as weird. I look at it as something I accept, but don’t really comprehend.
p>Transgendered people may transcend the gray and bring in another spectrum for all I know. You seem to be confusing, intentionally or not, the physical fact of a person’s genitals with the physical/social fact of gender identities.
p>I haven’t read the proposed legislation or the laws existing elsewhere, but your bathroom panic reminds me of one excuse used to shoot down the Equal Rights Amendment.
p>I have said repeatedly that the bathroom issue is not the major issue.
p>Is this a weak rhetorical attempt to stay on topic? You must be from Massequality I bet.
p>The Scopes Monkey Trials all over again. Science be damned.
p>Which side are you own YellowDog?
transgendered people, but I haven’t read the legislation. As much as I want to see these folks not discriminated against, I’m against bad legislation. Were it me, I would be concerned with the quality of the legislation. If there were no harm done, I wouldn’t worry about the bill.
p>As far as transgender goes, I’m not sure we can wait for “science.” We’d still be waiting for science to prove that blacks are as intelligent as whites and homosexuality is not a choice.
p>Sound like a cop out? My state rep will vote the bill regardless; my state senator will do what Tough Terry tells her to do.
p>And I’m on vacation, reading Nixonland, The Public and Its Problems, and The Tailor of Panama. Just finished Reds.
p>By definition legislation that, on its face, requires court interpretation is “bad legislation”. That is a settled fact.
p>Mass Eqaulity is saying ‘don’t worry. The courts will starighten it out and they will come down on the doctor’s note standar
p>So why do we want this bad legislation when we can insert the ‘doctor note’ requirement. The means a doctor gives his/her opinion based on experience and training.
p>You’re hilarious, EB. You lost your argument so now you’re just moved on to a whole other — albeit completely unclear — argument. Keep trying. I’m sure you’ll run full circle before you know it.
p>The Random House claims either ‘twirp’ or ‘twerp’ is acceptable with no preference for either. Random House dictionary is bigger than Websters, so it wins. No irony that a big dic contest erupts in a sex thread.
That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. You really need to find some other diversion.
Thanks for watching my back Gary.
p>I love you man.
are online now. It’s pretty easy.
p>My profession also involves me with spelling issues on a daily basis.
when you refused to answer mine? Hypocrisy much?
p>But you want an example? Why don’t you ask Lawrence King. Oh, wait, you can’t. He wore makeup to school and had a crush on a boy, so he got shot. In school. By a student.
p>I find it hilarious you think I’m a self-centered twerp. Ernie, your ego is so big it has gravity. You’re so horrified when people challenge your “insider” views that you resort to petty insults to make your case. Ernie, it’s the sign of a poor argument. I think you have to work on that.
p>But before you do, please, my god, go talk to a psychologist that specializes in this issue before you blanketly decide there’s no difference between gender and genitals. The world isn’t as black and white as you think, Ernie. Can your ego handle that conversation, Ernie?
Ryan, every particle of matter has gravity. You know as much about science and physics as I do about the gender queer, whatever that is.
Are you suggesting EB3’s ego has matter?
Ernie’s ego is so BIG that it has its own gravity. That is a play on the fat momma jokes that you hear on the playground. You implied it had mass, not me. I merely commented on the fact that all matter has mass and therefore, have gravity.
p>Regarding whether ego is matter, I think that any human thought could be considered to consist of the matter that transmits the thought (electrical impulses). Electricity is the flow of electrons. Electrons have mass, albeit tiny, and therefore have gravity. Brain chemistry also plays a role and those chemicals also have mass.
p>So, in my opinion, yes, egos do have mass and therefore they all have gravity. So when EB3 gets all puffed up with the attention you give him, his ego feels a surge of serotonin and dopamine and possesses an even greater gravity. You, therefore, are adding to the problem.