Phonebanks | ||
Quincy Phonebank Host: Megan Guidi Location: Quincy Phone Bank (Quincy, MA) 1458 Hancock St. Quincy, MA 02169 Time: Wednesday, July 22 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Time: Thursday, July 23 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Time: Friday, July 24 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Time: Saturday, July 25 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Time: Monday, July 27 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM |
Cambridge-Somerville Phonebank Host: Cambridge Somerville for Change Contact Phone: 617-491-2407 Location: Health Care Reform Team (Cambridge, MA) To Be Announced Cambridge, MA 02138 Sunday, July 26 from 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Create your own phonebank
Our priority right now is calling constituents in Maine, to ask them to call Sen. Snowe, who is a swing senator and on the crucial Senate Finance Committee. We’re also calling Massachusetts constituents in Congressman Lynch’s district, who has been wavering on the public option, and to target districts in other states as well. If you can host a phone bank, please go to There you will find out how to set up a phone bank and get lists. Just enter the zip code for the area that you want to make calls to. If you have trouble getting lists, contact For Maine, please put in one of the following zip codes: 04103, 04106, 04011, 04062, 04092. Attached is a script for calls to Maine. Please make sure you post your phone bank asap. You can also find phone banks already scheduled in Massachusetts by going to While it is preferable that you make calls from a phone bank, you can also use the Neighbor to Neighbor online calling tool at |
Post Card Drive | ||
Postcard Signature Drive Host: Patricia Bull Contact Phone: 617-803-8846 Location: Farmers’ Market (Boston, MA) Copley Square plaza opp. Boston Public Library corner of Boylston & Dartmouth Streets Boston, MA 02116 Time: Friday, July 24 from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
We are working to collect as many signatures as we can to submit to our MA Congressional delegation on July 28. It is imperative that our MA delegation know that we are FIRM in our desire for quality, affordable health insurance for ALL Americans, including a STRONG public option. If you have been collecting signatures, we want to submit as many petitions and postcards as possible to Congressional offices on July 28. You can mail or drop off completed postcards and petitions to: HCAN, 30 Germania St., (Bldg. L), Boston (617-541-0500, x307). For a list of other regional drop-off locations, please see our website:, or get in touch with Tony Mack, at If you want to continue collecting cards after July 28, they will have to be mailed in. Downloadable postcards and petitions are attached. |
Carpool | ||
Carpool to Portland, Maine for Healthcare Reform Canvassing Time: Saturday, July 25 9:30 AM Host: Carolyn Fuller Location: Porter Square Cambridge (Cambridge, MA) Mass Ave – Porter Square Cambridge, MA 02140
On July 28, in coordination with HCAN, we will be holding delegation visits with staff members of Members of Congress, where we will deliver our postcards and petitions. We need as many people as possible to attend those visits. If you can attend, please content Joy DePina of HCAN, at, 617-541-0500 x307. If you can’t make it, please call your member of congress on the 28th and tell them that you want meaningful healthcare reform this year, with a strong public option! |
This was a concession speech
Please share widely!
I got more sleep, leading up to that day. Maybe in part because I knew we would still be here today and the many days to come. Days to come, when we have another President and the one after that. Days to come that only our children will see. The marathon continues……
p>My daughter is “in the shot”, too. Having just turned 15, she knew the night would be historic. She didn’t realize exactly how much it would be. And to this day, she gets excited when she recounts her story of hugging Barack and Michelle. Her political mind, now approaching 17, is alive and kicking.
p>Losing in NH didn’t bum me out too much, to be honest. After Iowa, it was a two person race. The NH staff was frantic because they had only one mission, win. I was chill because I was convinced that Obama had the momentum leaving NH, even with the loss.
p>I grinned from ear to ear, every time I heard talk of “Clinton’s Firewall” Something in my bones told me she was done. I think in part it was due to how quickly Obama’s campaign integrated lessons learned into their strategy, as they pushed forward. My faith never waivered and my faith was not blind.
p>I can’t finish without giving credit to the Clinton NH campaign staff. They bested us. Not the national team, but the NH team. They won the ground game and I am compelled to tip my hat.
p>Lessons learned and still learning because there is so much left to do.