This anti-human behavior seems to be a pervasive malady these days. What is the cause of this thinking and how can we stop it, short of killing these morons?:
Give Me Carbon or Give Me Death!
Because carbon emissions are a sign of life, liberty and happiness, conservatives should make a point of enjoying more carbon emissions on the 4th of July. More bar-b-ques, more fireworks, more motorized sports, more fun, more liberty. I have never had a 4th of July like the one I’m going to have this year. Conservatives should videotape as much liberty-loving carbon emissions as possible and make sure the Senate gets the message before voting on H.R. 2454.
Please share widely!
Maybe he’s thinking about carbs, not carbon.
James Kunstler’s latest post is about witnessing this decadence, he even titled it “The Free and the Dead.” I wonder if he saw the same Townhall blog post, to arrive at that title. Probably not, because he doesn’t mention the reactionary tribalism and the unhinged defiance that is going on, he just attributes it to mindless programming, not purposeful malice.
p>I still think we need a good answer for my question, more importantly. What is causing people to react this way, and how do we get people to be responsible? Do they simply not know or believe oil is running out? Do they want to make sure their children experience what life was like before the crash? More people need to read Kunstler’s stuff (his book “The Long Emergency” is a long version of his blog, repeating the same points over and over, but worth reading).
Most people do not like to be lectured, harangued and har assed, especially by holier-than-thou type phonies. (I won’t name names; you can fill in the blanks). Now I will agree that this type of behavior is sort of like an adolescent rebelling against authority figures; but it’s not just “reactionary tribalism.”
Reactionary? I think the timing of this comment is either a reaction to climate science assertions or the recent Cap and Trade legislation or both.
p>Tribalism? Its the blog on TownHall. ‘Nuff said.