Having worked with Charlie Baker in the Weld Administration, back in 2005 David gave a glowing assesment of a possible Charlie Baker run for governor.
If Romney doesn’t run, the only think I can see keeping Baker out of the race is personal issues. Obviously, he makes a lot more money where he is than he would as Gov, and I don’t think he has any personal wealth to speak of (other than what he’s made as CEO of HPHC). He also may prefer working more behind the scenes and showing his face publicly only on occasion, as he did at Administration & Finance and as he does now, rather than being constantly on the front lines. But if he goes for it, watch out. A lot of votes (including, frankly, mine) would be up for grabs if Baker jumps in.
Or have times changed?
Is this support or an assessment of his chances? Saying a guy could get a lot of votes is beside the point of saying one would support him.
I believe this is the reference of support: “A lot of votes (including, frankly, mine) would be up for grabs if Baker jumps in.”
… but I’d say ‘up for grabs’ isn’t an expression of support. It’s an invitation to court his support.
it could very well be that he considered it. Something like this:
p>Baker is running, hmmmmmm, I like Patrick better.
p>Consideration complete.
…but I need to see him in action and poke him a little bit. Among my questions…how will he achieve “fiscal responsiblity” and reform with the current leg? Also, I need to see him as someone who believes that government has a role to play in affecting change, but with new approaches that confront the multitudes of policy challenges we have in horrible fiscal times.
There’s no real point to it, other than throwing egg in David’s face. A few months forced vacation wasn’t enough? Tell ya what, next time you can just create a new Screen Name and be like that egg and sperm guy.
if there was a purpose…. like, “David, your recent posts on Charley Baker don’t match up with what you’ve said in the past. Why?” Etc.
p>In addition, and in direct response to your critique, which office has David run for?
Now we know
p>Of course, if David were to support Le Baker that very well might tip the election!
p>And what if Ernie were to support him, too, after whipping Christy into a frenzy and convincing him to jump into the race.
p>By the way, where is Curt Schilling on the upcoming contest for Governor.