But so does the poll. Where’s Cahill? “Other” isn’t going to be on the ballot.
Rasmussen does have a good track record, so it shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand. Here’s an interesting tidbit from the poll, though:
In a match-up with Mihos, Patrick picks up 56% of the Democratic vote. Against Baker, the governor earns 66% support from his own party. Both Republicans have the backing of more than 75% of GOP voters.
Voters not affiliated with either party favor either of the Republicans by 30 points over Patrick.
p>That is a remarkably small percentage of Democratic support at this point. It does suggests, however, that if Patrick can firm up that support he can still win despite getting beaten badly by independents (though those numbers would probably have to improve at least slightly as well). It’s not clear, though, who exactly the non-Patrick supporting Democrats are in this poll (i.e. liberals or moderate-conservatives), so it isn’t clear how easy of a time Patrick will have getting those Dems back.
p>While he wasn’t mentioned in this poll, I think it also again suggests a strong opening for Cahill, making it more and more likely that he’ll run.
Although I’m no fan of Deval’s, any poll taken at the height of the summer has to have a confidence interval a mile wide.
“module not found” it says
p>Just took out the last e in the URL.
For the correction.
You could tell us what it says.
Mihos 40% Patrick 35% Other 11% Undecided 15%
p>Partrick 40% Baker 39% Other 7% Undecided 15%
But so does the poll. Where’s Cahill? “Other” isn’t going to be on the ballot.
Rasmussen does have a good track record, so it shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand. Here’s an interesting tidbit from the poll, though:
p>That is a remarkably small percentage of Democratic support at this point. It does suggests, however, that if Patrick can firm up that support he can still win despite getting beaten badly by independents (though those numbers would probably have to improve at least slightly as well). It’s not clear, though, who exactly the non-Patrick supporting Democrats are in this poll (i.e. liberals or moderate-conservatives), so it isn’t clear how easy of a time Patrick will have getting those Dems back.
p>While he wasn’t mentioned in this poll, I think it also again suggests a strong opening for Cahill, making it more and more likely that he’ll run.
Although I’m no fan of Deval’s, any poll taken at the height of the summer has to have a confidence interval a mile wide.
p>Is anyone even paying attention yet?