One thing I love about Barney Frank: he gives as good as (actually, in most cases much better than) he gets. This is the proper means of dealing with the teabaggers. (We’ve already discussed this here, but the video merits a separate post.)
Please share widely!
to Charley’s slightly earlier post?
This from your very own sidebar on Hub Blog.
p>For those who like Frank, he proves his chops; for those who do not, opinion may be justified.
p>What IS there is Frank in his own words, and some of the SUBSTANTIVE discussion ignored by the press. I especilly recommend ‘States Rights (#1 adn #2)’ esp. in view of statehood resolutions being passed, and ‘Judgement’, the most thoughtful exchange of the evening.
Now with all the crazy-making stuff going on with health reform arena these days, on top of all the unethical, illegal and infuriating stuff that’s been going on with health reform for years, aren’t we glad there’s coverage like this:
Salon also has its own post and the consensus of the comments is – finally!
.. is that they lie like a rug.
… comment:
A recent statement:
p>When that time and place are set, I think his saner constituents need to come in great numbers.
also on youtube and cited by Charley, was more complete and worth watching. Barney Frank is impressive.
…as this video shows – shortly after the Democrats took back the house in 2006, he was wielding the gavel, and he gave a serious smack down to Patrick McHenry:
It’s amazing to me that two congressman would not know the basic rules. Or that someone else on their side could not help them out.
p>Frank’s statement that the “other” way the gentleman could find an answer to his question would be to read the bill was classic.
p>I’d give this post an 8 if i could. Well done, JohnT001.
…was when he said that comments on the past behavior of the speaker might be interesting, but they are not points of order. Barney Frank has a particularly appropriate last name!
I don’t think that woman was a teabagger. I’m guessing that she’s a Lyndon Larouche supporter. I’ve seen them at other events pushing the Obama=Hitler materials. I’ve also seen the same glassy-eyed stare that makes me wonder what sort of chemicals they’re on.
And considering that their titular leader is 87 now, who’s calling the shots for that group? LaRouche wasn’t too lucid in his best days (before the conviction), and by now I imagine there’s someone else telling these crazies what they think.
He has set an example for responding to the radical right that other members of Congress should adopt.
p>We are fortunate in Massachusetts to have a Congressional Delegation that is so strong on this issue. And the list on ActBlue of Congressmen who support the public option is a valuable resource. But,everyone on Blue Mass Group should use the fine talking points that have been published on these pages to contact friends and family in other states where support for the public option may not be so strong.
Finally an elected official who is not afraid to confront the bizarre whacko’s of this universe.
p>Keep up the good work Congressman!!!!!!
p>As Usual just my Opinion
If anyone is still reading this thread, check out Stephen Colbert doing what Barney Frank refused to do: Debate the dining room table.