The media circle jerk known as Beat the Press spent much time discussing the media and the Gates/Crowley incident but never touched upon the fact that the Globe pulled Crowley’s police report within hours of posting it.
Thank goodness it was saved by David at this blog otherwise there most likely would not have been access to the only narrative written about the incident by one of the two people present.
The only document where a reader can use hisor her own critical thinking skills to test the veracity of the report.
The Globe obviously does not want to be trusted and really doesn’t care who knows. therwise they would have put it back up and called it a mistake.
As we all know it was a very lousy report that upon inspection makes crowley out to be, at the very least, incompetent.
But these sacrosanct bastards that defended David Wedge for creating news stories are too stupid to understand the significance of the hidden police report or too much in the tank with their friends at the Globe.
Either way it proves what have always thought. What a bunch of frauds.
Also, when i listened to the radio calls (provided by the Globe) between Crowley and others I heard on more than occassion the dispatcher telling Crowley to go to Channel 2.
As all cops know, Channel 2 is where u go ‘off the record” more or less.
Why didn’t the media notice that and request the channel 2 tapes? I didn’t see it mentioned in any story that the tapes released were not all there is.
An editor for the Globe shouldn’t have to call Bingham Dana and pay tens of thousands of dollars for a Freedom of Information request.
Lawyers part of the reporting team should be requesting these left and right. Including the Channel 2 tapes.
This newspaper is a joke. And for the most part the sycophants that protect, I mean write about, their phony balony profession are too.