posed a survey question this afternoon that drew over 15,000 votes related to filling the US Senate seat. (The site electronically restricts votes to one per person)…as of 7 PM, the results were:
Who should take the US Senate seat?
Martha Coakley 27.0%
Joe Kennedy II 24.5%
Someone else 12.0%
Victoria Kennedy 11.8%
Scott Brown 7.9%
Stephen Lynch 6.7%
Michael Capuano 4.2%
Marty Meehan 3.8%
Michael Sullivan 2.2%
Total votes cast: 15,200
Looks like Congressmen will have tough name recognition battle ahead…”Somebody Else” may be a sleeper, as well…
Please share widely!
davesoko says
I’ve always thought that Coakley was an up-and-coming talent in MA Dem politics with the potential to do great things. If and when she decides to seek the US senate seat, I will very likely be supporting her.
kaj314 says
we are not drawing any conclusions from this “survey”. I would imagine that the participants of this “survey” are not a representative sample of the anticipated electorate in a December Primary. Just a wild guess, I know.
hlpeary says
Update: as of 11:58 Monday:17,001 votes cast…
Who should take Kennedy’s Senate seat?
Martha Coakley
Joe Kennedy II
Someone else
Victoria Kennedy
Scott Brown
Stephen Lynch
Marty Meehan
Michael Capuano
Michael Sullivan
Total votes: 17101
p>This is not a scientific survey to be sure…but, that 17,000 would respond in 12 hours shows there is a lot of interest in what will happen next…
justice4all says
this is exciting, nonetheless. And very interesting. Thanks for posting HLPeary.
jconway says
Is what this would look like with the Republicans taken out and what this would look like with Joe Kennedy taken out-where would his votes go to?
p>Also while this is clearly an unscientific survey by any stretch, it does show that Coakley has the most name recognition and that Joe Kennedy isn’t as invincible as people think. She should stay in the race even if he runs IMO and I’d happily vote for her over Joe.
suffolk-democrat says
Of Coarse online “Surveys” are always an accurate portrayl of the publics attitude. We might as well swear in Martha Coakley now. Who needs to have an election. has spoken