Congressman Steven Lynch is hosting a town hall meeting this Thursday that is open to the public.
Congressman Steven Lynch’s Town Hall Meeting
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By bowes3
Congressman Steven Lynch is hosting a town hall meeting this Thursday that is open to the public.
Hi All:
p> I will be attending this town hall meeting as well. If anyone from Roslindale, West Roxbury or Hyde Park would like to attend , I will be leaving my home in Roslindale at 3:30 P.M. on Thursday. If you could send me an email at I have three spaces available. I think that it important for us as Democrats to back up the President and show that there is support for the public option. Although single payor would make much more sense, unfortunately I do not think that will happen any time soon.
p>Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne J. Wilson,Jr.
Hi All:
p> I just called Congressman Lynch’s office in Boston to find out how people will be able to make comments or ask questions at this meeting, and the staffer there told me that they are taking comments from constituents at their office as well. Their number for the Boston office is (617)428-2000 and the number for their Brockton office is (508)586-5555. If you cannot attend Thursday, would not to speak at the meeting or want to amplify your opinion give them a call.
p>Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne J. Wilson, Jr.
p>P.S. I told her that single payor would be my first choice, but the public option is necessary to make this plan viable.
The militarization of health care?
Bio-weapon or benevolent public service…
p>NH here I come!
In case anyone is reading this older thread. Due to Senator Kennedy’s death the event has been postponed.