don’t belong in their jobs. David Bernstein gives us a nice example of what happens when incompetence meets arrogance meets job security meets public apathy.
A first assistant d.a. responding to charges of wrongful conviction in a sophomoric intellectually dishonest manner is an insult to everyone.
Hey Mike Flaherty, I don’t care what kind of deal you made with Conley. he broke his part of it by his failure to protect the people of Suffolk County.
Innocent people in jail and cops killing citizens at will.
All thanks to Dan Conley and his tip top staff.
Please share widely!
Is it the prosecutor’s job to go back to old convictions and double check them? I thot that was what defense attorneys did?
p>From their PR guy…
Does the BPD or Suffolk County’s failure to respond to some JOURNALIST equal culpability? After reading Bernstein’s complete destruction of the BDP/DA’s ability, I honestly don’t blame for their remarks back.
p>And it is work noting that if Chatman’s theory IS in fact a witness who spoke to a spirit would have changed the outcome of the case, I think he might need to read up a little on what is necessary for a successful appeal…
Watch this next episode on “Touched by an Angel” starring Demond Chatman and his “medium”.
p>Heck, why not dump courts all together and just use Ouija boards!!!
p>This is nothing more than a bias and hatred for Dan Conley.