Good to see Dan Search and Avoid Conley and his clueless flack Jake Wark doing a good job for Essex County. You see, a cop in Beverly while driving a cruiser crossed the double solid lines and hit an oncoming car killing the driver. Because the cop could be charged with a homicide (which the DA is in charge of investigating) and because he had been a prosecution witness for Essex county prosecutors many times and knew too many people in the office D.A John Blodgett asked a neighboring D.A.’s office to handle the investigation and prosecution. Very routine.
Up steps Search and Avoid and damn it, his office convicts the guy.
Kudos to both Conley and Blodgett on this one.
But Dan, why didn’t you do the same for the cop who drove his car through a red light across Broadway in South Boston, striking a car and killing a young woman? Your bizarre report pretty much makes the case yet you found no liability on the cop’s part.(yes I know the Boston cop was responding to a call)
How about the drunken Revere cops and that homicide case? You kept that one, right? And within 24 hours you proclaimed all the off-duty police officers and the victim innocent of anything. Right? Why no referral on that?
How about the Snelgrove homicide and the other vicious assaults that took place that evening? The report prepared by former US Attorney Stern made the case for charges to be brought against at least one other officer. Shouldn’t that case have been referred to another D.A.’s office Dan?
How about the Celtic fan who died when police were “subduing” him during the celebration? You know Dan, the one where you asked the BPD to investigate and they reported that the poor bastard had a pre-existing heart condition that kicked in at the same time as the arrest. First time ever too. Shouldn’t this case have been transferred Dan?
And of course the detective on video pocketing the expensive sun glasses from a Newbury Street boutique while he was there investigating a crime. Any referral on that Dan?
Dan Conley is not doing his job!
Nice to see the state repubs continuing their juvenile frat house marketing plan. Latest is their response to Teddy’s call for a vacancy to be appointed by the Governor. C’mon guys, a classy response would have been in order. Like, “although we appreciate the Senator’s concerns we believe it would be the wrong thing to do because blah blah blah…”
Instead the frat boys start yelling Hypocrite at the dying Teddy. Real Class.
The speaker and Senate Prez indicated it wouldn’t go anywhere.
Jim Aloisi to the rescue. Was this story promoted by Aloisi? Front page Metro.
In case you missed it, young artists (kids) were painting some murals on MBTA property in Boston. Done with approval but final say of the T. Evidently the T objected to some of the content the kids wanted to draw.
Now that Aloisi controls the T he himself is solving this crisis and stepping in to show what a great guy he is. No under-the radar-take-care-of-this-everyday-minor-problem for little Jimmy.
Deval, I am sure many people tried to warn you about this nut job. People familiar with him are not surprised. Now that you have been around him awhile I am sure you are not surprised either.
There is so much I could write about James Bonaparte Aloisi.
Do you guys realize how much land throughout the state he controls? And how many abutting land owners and easement holders and landlords and leases have to kiss his ass?
Did John Hancock Tower have land issues with Mass Pike over the years? It’s practically built on top of it. HMMM.
Did marketing genius and former Hancock head turned public transportation expert Dave D’Alessandro have any land issues when he owned the building?
Nobody does it better than Ernie Boch, III.
p>Could you roll one out with something about when the timing of Aloisi’s resignation would be most effective? Pleeeze.
Just so you know the official response of the State Republican Party was just what you asked for. Of course you’d have to go the the Washington Post to read it because the Globe didn’t want to publish it, and the Herald didn’t think it was tabloidy enough.
p>Charlie Baker had pretty much the same thing to say to Statehouse News Yesterday (via the Herald).
They both read as though Kennedy was suggesting altering the existence or the timing of a special election to fill a vacant Senate seat, when in fact he did no such thing. The only question is whether the seat is vacant, or filled with a placeholder, until the special election is held. Looking forward to hearing what Nassour, Baker, or any other MA Republican have to say about what’s actually under discussion. But not holding my breath.
David, you have to admit that there is a lot of smoke here. This same scenario existed when J F Kerrydy was running for president. Had he been elected, Massachusetts would have been down one senator until the special election. What has changed? The only thing that has changed is now we have a Democrat Gov who will be making the interim appointment. Everything else remains the same. So why amend this statute? [sound of crickets chirping]
how about checking in on the dozens of comments on exactly that question in these two threads before proclaiming that crickets are chirping in response to your question, which does not appear in a front-page post?
the 100+ comments in this thread that address the same question.
You are pathetic.
…would have been so liberal and magnanimous about the mural if those enterprising youngsters had, instead of depicting a crumbling 80’s city neighborhood, they had depicted different dark period from our local recent history. Like, say if those kids made a mural depicting the epic mismanagement of the Big Dig, years of massive cost overruns and cover-ups, massive waste and abuse, no oversight or accountability, shoddy construction and crumbling ceiling tiles…would Jim Aloisi allow a mural depicting that history?