DCR Commissioner Rick Sullivan said on BZ radio last night that the pools closed on August 16th because
1. Usually not hot this time of year – (I swear to God he said that)
2. Life guards back to college
3. Only bought enough chlorine to last till the 16th. (I swear to God he said that too)
4. We still have the beaches.
I don’t know what to say?
Should I criticize Deval for being out of touch and an elitist and blah blah blah?
Should I argue that this move, closing the pools on Aug 16th, will balloon into the symbol of out of touch and incompetence that dwarfs the Caddy, the drapes, Marian Walsh, Jim Aloisi, The MBTA, and e-mails and thus costs Deval re-election?
Should I argue how dumb it was to combine urban parks and recreation (MDC) with Smokey the Bear stuff like Romney did when creating the DCR?
Should I point out the insult the Patrick Administration just hurled at us by citing the reasons above for the closures?
Should I just say “Let em eat cake”?
Please help and feel free to suggest other things I should say.
What has the state done historically concerning the pools at this time of the year?
it doesn’t make it right. And they did not close this soon before DCR was created. if this was a Romney thing Deval people had three summers to figure it out.
p>hen i was a kid they were open from the last day of school to the first day of school. Like they should be now.
but it might be important to know whether this is the first year it has happened or whether it has been happening for three years OR that this is the way we have always done it in MA. No defense, just the facts.
We rode on the tailgate of the station wagon to the local pond with 10 kids and a dog in the car and no seat belts. We swam with the snapping turtles, fish and blood suckers. It was a blast!
p>No chemicals, no fees for the swimming lessons and no CORI for the ice cream truck guy.
Almost everything you listed is common in many of the community pools in smaller/less affluent towns. End of August is traditional drain the pool and clean it before the fall/winter swim season for indoor pools. Same for the outdoor pools that see children returning to school the last week of August. Most community pools are struggling for funding (indoors and outdoors) and chemicals are expensive. As a former lifeguard, we always lost the college kids the last week of August….maybe not August 16th, but that was a million years ago when revenues equaled the costs of services.
p>Do we think a four billion dollar deficit in the state budget is not going to have impacts?
p>And, yes the end of August shows color in the trees in them ‘thar hills. I saw some red today and I do mean leaves.
p>Regarding the beaches….One Day at A Time:)
another August.
p>Let’s not start calling a chair a table HD.
p>Close the day kids go back to school.
p>No edense for this one. August 16? C’mon.
p>I hear the skating rinks are open Thanksgiving weekend, a month around Christamns and New Year and a week in March.
p>College kids working as skate guards, only time they are around.
Lakes/ponds with beaches, swimming and picnic areas were not even opened this season. No defense? The communities that had pools open until August 16th were the fortunate ones.
p>There’s no money, who needs defense?
or Neponset River?
I’m sorry, I need to deal with urban realities Gomer.
As my handle suggests I roam in the Heartland where there were closings. I did state upstream that the more affluent communities have a different scenario. Thanks for the Gomer moniker – he made Americans smile.
p>They should all stay open until at least Labor Day, though.