Being a pretty big fish in this puddle we call BMG I think it is time I massage my ego and reach out to all my adoring fans.
Yes, my pathetic fellow BMGers, I am here to answer all your questions. No matter the subject.
Feel free to post the question here or, if not a registered user, you can e-mail me at and I will pass the question on to readers. (e-mailers’ anonymity respected if desired.)
Please share widely!
My understanding is there are more than one kind.
at first I was like “wtf, johnd isn’t even trolling right now…”
p>and then I got it! priceless!
I blame baseball owners for exploiting him.
searches for questions, then avoid him.
p>u meeting dan conley for lunch?
you got me ggw
Prediction, next Senator after Ted?
If you’re serious. Are you?
of course I am serious.
Martha Coakley is correct answer.
And who are these guys they replaced them with?
all good things must come to an end.
I ask for identities, and you give me hackneyed philosophy.
The ghosts of Buddy LeRoux, Haywood Sullivan and Jean Yawkey have are possessing the souls of each player as the scream “we never cheated!”
it’s not Zimmer?
Not Zimmer. The answes is “Not Zimmer”.
p>Zimmer, however is the correct answer for the questions related to Wonderland Dog Track.
Would an appropriate name for a melancholy woodwind ensemble be “Mourning Wood”?
“Chelsea Mourning” would be better.
accepts when he enters politics? WIll he have to run or will it just be given to him?
p>When will the DOW hit 10,000 again?
p>Who will run against Obama in 2012?
p>Change has arrived… The US deficit was $181,000,000,000 for JULY ALONE and topped $1,300,000,000 through JULY… this means the US is borrowing over $7 BILLION each and every DAY from China, Japan and any other country stupid enough to lend us money. SO… how do you repay $2 TRILLION (previous record annual deficit for US $438B in 2008 and $413B in 2004).
p>2. Dow will hit 10,000 February 10, 2010. You can take that to the bank.
p>3. Suzanne Bump will be running against Obama in ’12
p>4. Opium. That’s how you take care if the Chinese.
p>Then you own them.
do you or do you not turn the volume up?
Who listens to music on the radio/
p>L7 JoeTS, L7
Turnout 86,372
p>Menino 43,585
p>Flaherty 27,496
p>Yoon 11,327
p>Blanks 3,964
p>You can take it to the bank.
And I remind you that you are “to answer all your questions. No matter the subject.”
p>P.S. I suppose you never claimed you’d answer them honestly, so have fun!
pronounced Crown Prince Yasharee Rosenberg Rozetti.
p>I live in all men’s souls.
p>Believe in me and you believe in yourself.
p>Worship me and you worship yourself.
p>Cleanse me and you cleanse yourself.
p>Send me money and you make me rich.
Explains how to spot them, and how to avoid them.
p>Send the money by PayPal to Ernie’s email account.
male only, sunny side up.
so I will venture a guess that EB is a Ginger type of guy, I was always attracted to Maryann.
Lovey Howell type.
What is your over/under for crowd size outside Portsmouth High School Tomorrow. For a guage the Tsongas event had an estimated 1000 according to the Cop I talked to, 400 inside, 600 outside.
I don’t follow the theatrical world but I say over.
Inquiring minds would like to know
is an oxymoron. However, do I like my subs from Primos? Do I like the coffee milk the blind guy on the fourth floor sells? Do I hate that steep wierd side walk at the corner of Ashburton and Bowdoin Sts.? Do I miss Joe and Nemos?
p>The answer to all the above is yes.
LA trial: guilty or not?
Vegas trial: guilty or not
The LA D.A’s office was a joke. They did everything possib;e to destroy the credibility of the case.
p>OJ killed the bitch and her boy toy. And the LAPD and PADA let him get away with murder.
Now that his kid has been identified as the “Roid pushin’ boy”?
What NOT to do on vacation
Wouldn’t pick it up. How embarressing for me.
p>I do it one time and..!