Breaking news. Action needed.
Yesterday, Rep. Waxman promised Rep. Weiner that Nancy Pelosi has promised a debate–and a September vote–on a single-payer health care bill by the full U.S. House of Representatives.……
So let’s firm up those Massachusetts’ votes during the month of August. Seven of our 10 members of Congress are co-sponsors of Rep. Conyers’ single-payer bill, HR 676.
Call HR 676 co-sponsors to confirm that they will vote for single payer in September when it is brought to the floor. Representatives Capuano, Delahunt, Frank, Markey, McGovern, Olver, and Tierney are co-sponsors.
We still need to work on Lynch, Neal, and Tsongas.
Let’s get to work!
gp2b3a says
Bart Stupak Dem from MIchigan is quoted in the articel that this bill on single payer doesnt have the votes, the articel goes on to say it is only being put out there to make liberal dems happy and to get everyone to offcially say yes or no to it and record that on paper, the bill has ZERO chance on passing and shows you the chess game Obama is playing, dangel single payer knowing you have no chance in hell on passing it but get concessions from health insurance companies to offer low cost low service products to poor people – the goal for Obama is getting the current insured of 85% in this country to about 95% with all this effort. The insiracne companies get access to these poor people, hospitals get major cuts, pharma gets some cuts, but in the end, this is not much of a change.
leo says
I agree that single payer won’t pass in the House this September.
p>But, just a short while ago, single payer wasn’t even “on the table.”
p>So, a promised vote is progress.
p>And along the way, progressives can make a difference in the bill that ultimately gets voted on.
p>See, for instance, John Nichols writing last Friday.
p>If we give up the fight now, or expend our political capital in support of a completely watered down version of the “public option,” we will never get what we want . . . quality health care provided at no charge as a basic right.
p>If other countries can do it, why can’t we?