I’ve seen Joe in action as campaign manager. Working with campaign volunteers is a challenging task. We’re not paid and we are not required to do anything. The talent that I have seen Joe demonstrate in effectively leading and motivating a varied group of staffers and volunteers will serve him well if he is elected Mayor.
If you’re a progressive Democrat looking to help a good candidate this fall, please consider Joe O’Brien. I’ll get on my “activist” soapbox for a minute and urge you to help a Democratic candidate in a municipal election somewhere in the Commonwealth. The immediate goal is good municipal leadership. The other benefits are substantial: Dems located at the municipal level can become candidates for partisan office and they are great to have on board in partisan elections. As activists, municipal elections are an opportunity to keep up our skills and develop new skills. There are frequently opportunities to play leadership roles that give you experience that you can bring to a larger campaign, either as a volunteer or staffer. Very importantly, it is an opportunity to get to know other activists and expand your political network.
I think Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray’s words speak volumes, “I think the world of Joe O’Brien. He’s got a record in this community of involvement with a whole range of things. From the environment to helping kids and his record of service is unique.”
Over the last twenty years Joe has worked for youth, environmental and HIV/Aids organizations in Worcester and also worked as a community organizer in the South Bronx for three years. He was elected to three terms on the Worcester School Committee and in that role was a strong advocate for low income and at risk children.
From 2004-2006 he worked for Mass Director of Mass Voters for Clean Elections and later directed the Commonwealth Coalition’s efforts to defeat then Governor Mitt Romney’s campaign to unseat progressive state legislators. Among Joe’s notable campaign victories have been leading efforts to elect San Diego’s first directly elect Latino City Councilor Juan Vargas and the campaign of Massachusetts Lt. Governor Tim Murray in 2006. During the 2008 Presidential election, Joe worked as GOTV Director for Merrimack County NH for the Clinton for President Campaign during the primary and in the same role for the Obama Campaign in the general election. .
Check out Joe’s Biography on his web site at www.electjoeobrien.com.
Joe O’Brien for Mayor Fundraiser and Kick-off Event – Wednesday, September 16th from 5:30-7:30 PM at the Hibernian Cultural Centre (Fiddler’s Green Pub) 19 Temple Street. We look forward to seeing you there. Please invite family, friends and neighbors to come meet with Joe O’Brien and talk to him about the many important issues that he is focused on for Worcester. Suggested contributions: $20, $50, and $100.
Please join me in supporting, Joe O’Brien for Mayor of Worcester.
1993 to 2009 is 16 years not over 20. He helped in a lot of thing, but didn’t lead much. Joe is a good worker, but is working in a San Diego city council race a victory for him? Joe left Worcester city government before, will he do it again? Ed Augustus, another McGovern hack did. Worcester needs people with staying power. I like Mayor Konstantina Lukes. I see no reason to replace her. Now that my carving act is done, I would heartily endorse Joe for City Council! I know he’s a democrat, but he is a good person.
He’s more than a “good person”, he’s a great person. If anything, Kate has understated his assets, not hyped them. Joe O’Brien is everything we say we want in our elected officials: smart, honest, creative, caring, astute, determined, courageous and hardworking. He also has a quick wit and a sense of humor which can be huge assets when the times get rough.
p>Mayor Lukes gave it her best shot, but the sad truth is, Konnie just can’t seem to get along with people long enough to get anything accomplished. Constant turmoil has the city backsliding. Worcester needs a mayor who will work with City Manager O’Brien and the whole Council to get this city moving in a positive direction again. O’Brien has the political and personal skills to rebuild those efforts. ‘Bout time. Thanks, Kate, for posting this.
Does not make you a saint. Mayor Lukes does her damndest to do aq good job, despite the gang tactics used against her. So, which incumbent democrat are you wanting out of office? Not so smart, not so honest, Joe would make a good councillor, leave it at that.
doesn’t make you a good mayor. Lukes can’t get along with people, can’t articular a vision, and can’t get people to come to consensus enough to move the city forward. People love her because she’s fiscally conservative. Well, if that’s what you want, great, but she hasn’t been able to move Worcester forward at all. Indeed, Worcester may have slid back a on her watch. Granted, fiscal times are tough, but still, where’s the vision? Where’s the beef?
With a bunch of democrats who believe in party before progress! Worcester started sliding backward when carpetbagger Tim Murray said at his 2005 post-election victory party that he was dumping Worcester to run for Lieutenant Governor.
I don’t think it’s necessary. Given his degrees in urban studies and public administration it appears that he has chosen the public/non-profit path in life.
life to public service. He, his wife, and their entire family have given endlessly to the public good and devoted themselves to leaving the planet a better place. Worcester is lucky to him.
as an EMT. Helps keep the roof over their heads.
p>In all honesty, you could not meet a finer individual.
This looks like BMG’s endorsement, not just Kate’s.
p>Just saying.
Since it’s written by Kate, not Bob, Charley on the MTA, David, or The Editors.
p>Just saying.
…someone just browsing an RSS feed might get the impression that it is a BMG endorsement.
p>Either way not a huge deal.
I saw that Kate wrote it (as I noted in my comment). I’m just saying it looks that way to someone scanning the site.
p>It may not be a problem, but I thought it was worth pointing out.
experience with Joe O’Brien or are interested in getting to know him, then there’s virtually no chance that they WON’T endorse him. He’s that good a guy, he’s right on all the issues, and virtually no one works harder for and among the common people. They don’t make ’em like that any more.
It’s hard to find something to add to what has already been posted here about about Joe or to say it better.
p>Be patient, Joe is certainly deserving of the endorsement. While endorsements are great, so is volunteering. It was an honor to canvass for Joe O’Brien!! If you haven’t gotten involved before, this is a guy that will make you proud. Attend the kick off event, Wednesday, September 16th from 5:30-7:30 PM at the Hibernian Cultural Centre (Fiddler’s Green Pub) 19 Temple Street or visit to his website:www.electjoeobrien.com.
I’ve known Joe for about 15 years, quite well for about the last 10. I’ve had the pleasure of working with him on lots of different community efforts, from serving together on the board of our local environmental justice organization to electoral compaigns. Here are some of the observations I’d like to share:
1. Joe is a true progressive.
Joe’s bio, which is not padded (Clean Elections, Commonwealth Coalition, all of his community organizing experience) speaks for itself. He gets the big picture of what progressive policies would look like across the spectrum of local to national arenas, and has worked at all of these levels.
2. He doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk.
I’ve seen Joe clearing brush and cleaning up trash side by side with neighborhood kids. I’ve seen him quietly giving support to a refugee family in desperate circumstances. I’ve seen him host neighborhood gatherings that brought all kinds of people together and turned out to be amazing community organizing opportunities. Everything he does is about building community.
3. Joe really gets things done.
When Joe was on the Worcester School Committee, he was my go-to person whenever and issue came up that needed attention. Joe always responded promptly, did everything he could to solve the problem, and always got back to me or whomever he needed to with an answer whether he could solve the problem or not. Anyone who was around during the Tim Murray for Lieutenant Governor campaign saw how much Joe could accomplish in a given time period and how he pulled people together to get all the bases covered. It made my jaw drop a few times. I’ve also met with him in his capacity as district director for Congressman Jim McGovern, and have seen the same efficiency.
4. He is an all around nice guy.
I’ve never seen Joe approach anyone with anything but kindness. In this current campaign, he has been making a point of personally thanking everyone who is doing anything.
‘Nuff said for now. I could tell you about the wonderfully creative celebratory rally Joe and his wife Lisa put together at City Hall on May 17, 2004, but that’s another long story…
Joe O’Brien is the real thing. He lives his politics and truly embodies his values. When Joe is elected, Worcester will be firmly established as a center of progressive grassroots politics, with native sons Jim McGovern, Tim Murray, and now Joe O’Brien. Thanks Kate, for putting this important race on the Blue Mass map!
p>I live in Worcester. I have worked shoulder to shoulder with Joe on electoral campaigns and community efforts. He is an inspirational leader who leads by example.
p>Joe believes the mayor’s job should be more than ceremonial. He is a fine human being, highly ethical, enormously dedicated. He puts his money where his mouth is. I urge progressive Democrats and good government activists everywhere to find a way to help elect Joe O’Brien as Mayor of Worcester.