p>If I’m reading the spreadsheet “People Without Health Insurance by Family Income” correctly, 50% are in families with $50,000 or more in income.
p>Again, assuming I am interpreting the data correctly, about 10% are not citizens.
Source: People Without Health Insurance Coverage by Selected Characteristics: 2006 and 2007
Do you know if there is any truth to the myth/rumor of 30% of uninsured being eligible for Medicare?
That would totally work, and would certainly bail a lot of people out. Lol. When can you have the cash ready? đŸ™‚
p>- Misha (As a weird random side note, would you happen to be able to spot me the cash for colon cleanse? Haha, just kidding.)
Got a problem with your math, there …
p>47 million uninsured @ $300/month premium (say):
$169.2 billion/year
p>OK, we’ll be really optimistic and say $200/month (?????)
$112.8 billion/year.
p>$400 a month average (close to the national average for single premium):
$225.6 billion
p>And this is without correcting any of the craziness in the market — insurers dropping policies, etc. Or bending the cost curve.
As soon as the government pays the $200 billion for the uninsured, I’m going to drop my insurance so they pay for me!
I’d also like some confirmation on something Karl Rove said on my favorite NEWS channel FOX…
p>He said of the 45 million uncovered people in the US…
p>20% are illegals
30% could enroll in Medicare right now.
30% of people without healthcare make over $50K/year and chose NOT to pay for it.
p>I’d like to know how many people really need healthcare (that can’t get Medicare, that are US citizens, that can afford it but don’t buy it…).
Can be found on the Census site
p>Source: http://www.census.gov/hhes/www…
p>If I’m reading the spreadsheet “People Without Health Insurance by Family Income” correctly, 50% are in families with $50,000 or more in income.
p>Again, assuming I am interpreting the data correctly, about 10% are not citizens.
Source: People Without Health Insurance Coverage by Selected Characteristics: 2006 and 2007
Do you know if there is any truth to the myth/rumor of 30% of uninsured being eligible for Medicare?
p>So even though the number of uninsured has climbed steadily, the percentage of uninsured has remained relatively flat for the last 20 years.