Very nice to see her debating the issue on national television. She is a clear and thoughtful speaker. Here’s hoping it makes a difference.
Representative Niki Tsongas on MSNBC.
Also, on CNN this morning, Bill Adair of was calling Pres Obama a liar based on his most recent town hall statements. I think that Adair is stretching it a bit. Obama did say he approved of Single Payer in 2003. That was 6 years ago. It’s pretty far fetched to drag that up to call him a liar now.
And AARP did endorse one of the Healthcare reform plans being debated in Congress. Or at least it
was …”pleased with the legislation”…
Just a few weeks ago, on July 14, the AARP issued a press release gushing about the introduction of the House health care reform bill saying, “This bill would make great strides for all of our members and their families.” The group said it was pleased with the legislation for giving “every American has access to affordable, quality health care choices.”
Not at all happy about CNN sending forth the “Obama is lying” message. That could have the greatest negative impact of all. He should call them on it, or at least bring it up in his next televised town hall meeting.
She held her own on Hardball and made the important points – I especially liked it when she refuted Bilbray’s “what’s the rush” sentiment with the fact that we’ve been debating health care for all since at least 1948.