Results Of Jim mcGovern’s “Town Gall meeting” August 4, 2009 By billxi No comment by me is necessary.… The “people” are speaking. Please share widely! 00
charley-on-the-mta says August 4, 2009 at 10:18 pm Do you support the comparison of McGovern to Josef Mengele? < p>Do you support shouting down those with whom you disagree? < p>Do you believe in a free and civil exchange of ideas? Or do you believe in thuggery? < p>The “people” — yes, the quotes are quite appropriate — your “people” are shouting and trying to intimidate, they are not speaking.
huh says August 4, 2009 at 10:49 pm …this event was widely advertised on free republic. It’s no shock that the crazies turned out in force. < p>BilXIl seems to have a personal grudge against Jim McGovern, but you don’t have to be a hunting dog to smell the astroturf in this one.
johnk says August 5, 2009 at 9:18 am as Charlie notes, a comment is necessary. Is this what you support?
Do you support the comparison of McGovern to Josef Mengele?
p>Do you support shouting down those with whom you disagree?
p>Do you believe in a free and civil exchange of ideas? Or do you believe in thuggery?
p>The “people” — yes, the quotes are quite appropriate — your “people” are shouting and trying to intimidate, they are not speaking.
…this event was widely advertised on free republic. It’s no shock that the crazies turned out in force.
p>BilXIl seems to have a personal grudge against Jim McGovern, but you don’t have to be a hunting dog to smell the astroturf in this one.
as Charlie notes, a comment is necessary. Is this what you support?