I was a little surprised that nobody else had posted this yet, but Eunice Kennedy Shriver passed away this morning at the age of 88. There are links to articles and Obama’s statement at the newly reformated Politics1.
For those needing a genealogical refresher, she was the sister of JFK, RFK, and EMK. She was married to Sargeant Shriver, Peace Corps founder and Democratic replacement nominee for VP in 1972. Her children include Maria Shriver, formerly of NBC and now First Lady of California, and Mark Shriver, former member of the MD House of Delegates.
In her own right she is best known for founding the Special Olympics.
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She spent her life recognizing that it is the duty of adults to take care of children, and of the strong to care for the weak.
p>She had so much love and strength that making the world a better place came naturally to her, rather than “I’ve got mine, who cares about the other guy.”
p>May it be true for her, as C.S. Lewis once said, “Farther up and further in” to the Great Kingdom, what some of us think of as Aslan’s Land.
Having worked for Mark Shriver and spent time with Mrs. Eunice Shriver, I can honestly say that there is no one, maybe except her husband Sarge, who has a deeper devotion and commitment to the betterment of others. Time and again I saw her work to assist others, many times outside the limelight. Whether it was knocking on doors for Mark’s Congressional Campaign or inviting the families of individuals with disabilities to come to her home to go swimming and participate in athletic activities. Today is truly a sad day for the entire world, as there will never be another person like Mrs. Shriver.
I heard on the news today that they spent time together daily in Hyannis. I can’t even imagine what this loss is for him.
Terrible loss all around. Arguably the most committed and most effective Kennedy. Also, with her husband, one of the last seriously legitimate pro-lifers in the party. The party and the country will miss her voice and passion on helping the most vulnerable in society from the mentally handicapped to the unborn.