Hi, I’m a student at Brandeis University, working at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee this summer. Speaking for myself, I am frustrated by my lack of options for supporting campaigns I believe in. Right now, there isn’t much an ordinary citizen can do to support national or far-away activism beyond sending money.
I’m here with an alternative: the Next Generation of Talent platform.
Here’s how it works:
1. Fill out a form listing your special skills, tools, and talents at http://BoldProgressives.org/talent
2. When a bold progressive campaign needs our help, they’ll contact us and see if we’re interested in helping.
3: Success! We activists connect with a campaign that needs and appreciates our unique talents.
We get to volunteer in a meaningful and creative way, and campaigns get specialized volunteer help. Everybody wins.
Like the idea? Sign up here: http://BoldProgressives.org/talent
With that said, really nothing beats going door to door to talk directly with the community. This seems like a great opportunity to build on the other aspects of the campaign which are also important.
We will always need people to canvass etc. No doubt about it. Think of this more like “the next step”. Also, you can’t knock on doors for this ad campaign, for example, but next maybe you can help produce ic, that sort of thing.