Cross-posted from Blue News Tribune.
I don’t often read the Lowell Sun. But it’s must-see this week.
LOWELL — For the most part, City Councilors were guarded yesterday in their comments regarding the city’s 10-page investigatory report regarding Ernest “Sandy” Ames, who was fired as the city’s chief plumbing and gas-fitting inspector last week, as well as Ames’ ties to their colleague, Councilor Alan Kazanjian.
Kazanjian, a real-estate developer, also owns the SAC Club, the Market Street bar at which Ames, 63, serves as president and manager.
We need to remember that this is just the proverbial appearance of impropriety.
Or maybe more than an appearance:
The report, written by City Solicitor Christine O’Connor concluded, and Ames admitted to, performing work for Kazanjian while he was being paid by the city. Ames also admitted to falsifying inspection records.
Perhaps the issue is good old Yankee frugality.
In light of findings outlined the report, City Councilor Jim Milinazzo, who has battled publicly with Kazanjian during the past few months, said he is concerned about Kazanjian’s involvement, implying that statements Kazanjian has made on the council floor regarding his desire to save money for the taxpayers are hypocritical.
Money is always worth saving, right? I mean, it’s not like they were talking about canceling an election.
Oh wait … they were.
kirth says…
p>Some reports say the photo shows Ames wearing his badge, but I can’t find the picture online.
tim-little says
kirth says
Looks like a swell place for a nap.
christopher says
This doesn’t sound like a federal or interstate matter. It also appears that the city is addressing the situation on its own, hence the firing.
jimc says
Or maybe this is part of a broader probe?
john-from-lowell says
This is a matter of public corruption.
christopher says
…is automatically literally something to “make a federal case” over?
p>If that’s the law then that’s the law, but I would have thought the feds should only get involved if those who would prosecute more locally are in on the corruption.
john-from-lowell says
Your point, “I would have thought the feds should only get involved if those who would prosecute more locally are in on the corruption.” is exactly why the feds should step in.
p>This whole thing will line up as the “good ol’ boys’ vs the city manager.
p>Not that it will stop parochial tongue wagging, but the FBI’s involvement should quell BS about bias.
christopher says
john-from-lowell says
Is a potential candidate in the upcoming special election.
p>I am in no way meaning there is need for concern, but in the court of public opinion, the burden of proof is very low. See “parochial tongue wagging.”
p>Sometimes it is best to kick the can.
christopher says
Do you mean the DA (Gerry Leone) or the AG (Martha Coakley)? I’ve heard Coakley mentioned several times in this context but not Leone. I don’t think a Senate race has much to do with local ethics lapses, but then I’ve never put much stock in mere appearances.
john-from-lowell says
p>As far as ethics lapses and politics, I would think that, as heads roll, some friends will be hard to find.
p>Outsiders will stand tall, but insiders will be wary of guilt by association. Machine politics!
tim-little says
The following comment from this thread over at LiL offers a plausible explanation:
p>For you out-of-towners, JAM = the Jackson-Appleton-Middlesex Urban Renewal Plan
john-from-lowell says
Move Lowell Forward
p>Please join us.