Where does some dude get off saying stuff like this to our kids, just because he’s the President or whatever?
That’s why today, I’m calling on each of you to set your own goals for your education – and to do everything you can to meet them. Your goal can be something as simple as doing all your homework, paying attention in class, or spending time each day reading a book. Maybe you’ll decide to get involved in an extracurricular activity, or volunteer in your community. Maybe you’ll decide to stand up for kids who are being teased or bullied because of who they are or how they look, because you believe, like I do, that all kids deserve a safe environment to study and learn. Maybe you’ll decide to take better care of yourself so you can be more ready to learn. And along those lines, I hope you’ll all wash your hands a lot, and stay home from school when you don’t feel well, so we can keep people from getting the flu this fall and winter.
OUTRAGEOUS! Someone call Glenn Beck! Especially that bit about hand-washing — that is how communism started in Russia in 1917, as you probably know.
No one’s born being good at things, you become good at things through hard work. You’re not a varsity athlete the first time you play a new sport. You don’t hit every note the first time you sing a song. You’ve got to practice. It’s the same with your schoolwork. You might have to do a math problem a few times before you get it right, or read something a few times before you understand it, or do a few drafts of a paper before it’s good enough to hand in.
Why does Barack Obama hate our kids??
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I do that every day. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength. It shows you have the courage to admit when you don’t know something, and to learn something new. So find an adult you trust – a parent, grandparent or teacher; a coach or counselor – and ask them to help you stay on track to meet your goals.
Oh my God. Barack Obama actually wants our kids to become weak and then fail. What happened to self-reliance and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps? Isn’t that what made America great?
Your families, your teachers, and I are doing everything we can to make sure you have the education you need to answer these questions. I’m working hard to fix up your classrooms and get you the books, equipment and computers you need to learn. But you’ve got to do your part too. So I expect you to get serious this year. I expect you to put your best effort into everything you do. I expect great things from each of you. So don’t let us down – don’t let your family or your country or yourself down. Make us all proud. I know you can do it.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.
Says the guy who sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for 20 years. The nerve. At the very least, people should insist that kids watch this speech with their parents, so that the parents can explain why Obama is wrong about … uh, you know, the bad part of the speech. The bit where he talks about socialism and liberal agendas. And oligarhy.
…to helping the President specifically do anything – imagine that!
It is alleged that Speech #1 ( the one that brought the heat down) had to be rewritten.
p>If folks don’t want their children exposed to leftist drivel–that’s their privilege. They are after all: TAX PAYERS. Something that 40% of Americans on the DOLE are not.
p>Lot of lefties didn’t want their kids exposed to GWB and his inane ramblings. Can’t blame them. I can’t stand to hear Obama say three words without his teleprompter because he sounds just as stupid as Bush.
p>And re Glenn Beck. Turnabout is fair play. The lefties decided to go after Beck. Apparently they never heard of a counterattack. Bullying sometimes back fires. Especially when the litle guy being bully’d has some real big friends. Like 50 million taxpayers and voters
Oh, well, that changes everything.
even those on the dole. Sales tax, gas tax, excise taxes on booze and smokes, restaurant tax, and that’s in addition to public transit fees, tolls, service fees for other gov’t programs, school fees, and the like.
p>P.S. This suggesting that Fox Newsers are TAX PAYERS but others aren’t is silly. There are hoardes of rural conservatives on all kinds of government assistance. But you’ve never been one to let facts, sense, or logic get in your way.
…that 40% of us are “on the dole”. As tempting as it is I’m not responding to MCRD this time; his comment has “troll” written all over it!
if the money I used to pay them had been given to me.
Do you use the library, school system, roads, parks, etc. Do you rely on consumer product safety or a strong national defense? Also, you never know if something catastrophic happens requiring more direct government assistance such as unemployment benefits.
I understand what you are saying, but no one gives me the money to pay the taxes, I earn it. I know the song “you wouldn’t be able to earn it without all those necessary government services”. The problem is that I hear it said “even those on the dole pay taxes”. Sure they do, with tax money taken from those who earn a wage or salary. My taxes and yours pay theirs.
…one day YOU might find yourself on the receiving end. Since you have been paying your taxes if you find yourself unemployed it would be fair to claim that you can now get benefits, at least part of which you contributed to while you were employed.
that this speech is not the same speech which was originally planned. Of course there is no proof and maybe it will never come out. There seems to have been a movement lately to have some good discussions on issues and be honest. Is the thought that the White House would alter the speech really “that” outrageous? But it seems to me there are constant lies, “un-truths” and misdirections when it comes to actual issues (like healthcare).
p>I was absolutely against the speech being aired to the students. I think the biggest concerns were…
p>The “lesson plan”…
p>The subliminal message to “help Obama” hidden under the “help the President”.
p>and the “feeling” of many Americans that Obama would use this opportunity (especially this week) to advance his political agenda, including the public option portion of healthcare reform. People are not “trusting” Obama at this point.
p>Now the “lesson plan” has been pulled (which many Obama supporters/MSM dismiss as a “error” by some Educational aide…) and the speech (original or not) has been published in advance so parents can read the whole thing.
p>I, like Laura Bush, Newt Gingrich and others “now” have no problem with the speech and are in favor of it. But I believe any criticism from the left against our concerns is being disingenuous. “We” were opposed to the speech as it stood last week and now that it has changed we are not against it. Stop lying by saying we are against the “current” speech and lesson plan since it is simply not true. Of course there will be people who are still against it as many feel the President is trying to get support from young people for himself and not for the office of the President but that has always existed whether it was Clinton or Bush speaking to students.
p>I think we should keep our remarks focused on the specific issues and not jump to conclusions. This “tactic” has been used all summer on healthcare supporters/opponents who say if you are against the House bill you are against “any” healthcare reform which is a lie. I even heard Obama yesterday say regarding healthcare reform opponents,
Wrong Mr President, the Republicans have many bills for Healthcare reform but MSM has decided to not report on them. We have “solutions” but you need to be open to them. Stop the lying please!
p>PS To some of my ilk… At this point there are no “death panels” so please stop lying about them too.
…that there was another speech. So you don’t think it’s appropriate for students to help the President make this country better? Why do you hate America?:)
but have no proof (it’s a very long list and might even include you). When rumors/stories come out (with no proof) I think we all “align” ourselves up with the ideology and have an opinion. When rumors of Rush limbaugh’s drug problem surfaced I thought it was absurd, but it was true. When rumors of John Edward’s romantic affair surfaced I believed it and it turned out to be true. In both cases I took a stance and the proof either backed me or corrected me. I think the Obama speech which was delivered today was not the original speech. Maybe time will tell.
p>I do think it is appropriate for the President to ask students to help make the country a better place, more successful and make themselves more successful. WHo wouldn’t? I do not however think it is right for the President to ask the American student population to help him with whatever his agenda is. The fact that he didn’t do this made me support his speech today. I know you are joking since anyone could claim the same conclusion for any opposition or concern about any subject… (critical of healthcare reform so obviously you want millions to die, concerned about details of stimulus bill so obviously you want the economy to fail, oppose carbon tax… you must hate the world’s atmosphere and desire global warming…).
p>I love America (and Americans) with all its imperfections (including me).
It says pretty much everything you need to know.
p>The whole respect for the office of President thing is way overrated. đŸ˜‰
p>- “I don’t know all the facts… but I do think the Cambridge police acted stupidly.”
p>I agree that far too many people support/oppose things because if the person proposing it and not the content of the proposal. How many Democrats (politicians and constituents) have bothered to read the Republican proposals and simply oppose any Republican bill without reading?
You oppose a speech you can’t even prove existed. Pointing fingers at others doesn’t make you less culpable. No hypothetical others here, we’re talking about you and your own statements..
As I clearly owned up to in my comment, I opposed the speech “initially” because of the “lesson plan” and my suspicion that Obama would politicize the speech (which I am still convinced could have happened on version 1 of the speech). Why would people “support” the speech without knowing what was in it either especially in light of your comment that respect for the “office of the Presidency” is overrated? Yes, I’m very suspicious of Obama and maybe more so of his circle (FOO).
No matter how you slice it, the president addressing children is not fascism. Supporting the speech is part of respecting the office. I didn’t like Bush, but still respected his right to speak.
p>It is amusing that you don’t understand socialism, fascism, or the role of the President, yet still feel qualified to speak on the topic.
p>On second thought… I guess you are right.
not knowing all the answers, asking questions, and especially asking for help. ” I do it every day”…
obligatory reference.
The next thing you know they’ll want to contaminate our drinking water with fluoridation!
my liberal friends, Obama spells IT out for the kids in the first three sentences…I’ve capitalized the letters so even you liberal do-gooders can see the writing on the wall: S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M
p>”Hello everyone – how’S everybOdy doing today? I’m here with students at Wakefield High SChool In ArLIngton, Virginia. And we’ve got Students tuning in froM all across America, kindergarten through twelfth grade.”
but I didn’t think he meant that children (or possibly parents!) would have to step up. Shouldn’t teachers be held responsible for neglected homework, bullying, failure to read at home, daydreaming and H1N1? What are we paying them for, anyway?
Can’t re,emer my micro—I believe the H1N1 is communicated via droplet. Hand washing won’t help much unless Barack had a “thing” about “touching himself”.
Too bad your disrespect and laziness (about checking facts) undermine your credibility.
p>If it’s even necessary to respond to your inane comment, a quick web search shows this CDC information:
p>Direct contact includes hand-to-hand contact and (in rare cases) contact with contaminated surfaces.
Yikes. Steer clear of whatever facility MCRD might be working in. He’s not a fan of handwashing, the most basic of infection control measures. Positively medieval.
p>FWIW, I got a message from President Eisenhower (in writing on clay tablets) and I don’t remember Adlai protesting.
p>Still – the argument of respecting the office if not the person was trashed for eight years, so Democrats may discover to their chagrin that many will consider turnabout to be fair play.
I would have liked to see 41’s speech to really judge, but I suspect there was nothing wrong with it as the GAO found. Your attempt at moral equivalency in the second paragraph is not reality-based. Most of the left never treated 43 nearly as horribly as either Clinton or Obama was treated by the wingnuts.
October 1, 1991
p>September 17, 1991
Like I suspected there was nothing in either speech to make political hay out of. My only concern is that it seemed he sometimes forgot he was talking to kids rather than adults.
…before he ever took office. Same with Deval. Her comments on “fair play” should be taken with as much salt as you can stomach.
Citation, please?
It was right here on BMG. On 10 January bostonshepherd posted an article entitled The Failed Obama Administration which referenced a Jay Severin show on the subject and a 1993 Dave Barry piece on Bill Clinton. Frank Skeffington objected Obama hadn’t even taken office yet… and you jumped in to defend Jay and bostonshepherd. True to form, you even added some factually inaccurate snark.
p>It’s repeating that I may never recover from the emotional toll of wading through your posts to find the cite. All those “everything in the subject line posts.” All those hit and run attacks on Democrats (NEVER on Republicans). All that pointless referring to yourself in the third person (Porcupine thinks).
p>Maybe a stomach full of Pepto-Bismol is more appropriate. đŸ˜‰
The point remains…
..Obama invited criticism, due to enhanced and unrealistic expectation.
p>In what universe does that translate to ‘calling him a failure’?
p>Unless Frank Skeffington and I BOTH called Obama a failure for commenting on a post that Bostonshepherd gave that name?
See how that works?
to make light of the power of the right-wing Wurlitzer to influence the electorate in deceptive and detrimental ways to progressive interests. In other words, mock it but don’t underestimate it.
p>The “I won’t let my kids by indoctrinated by Obama” movement comes on the heals of the Van Jones is a radical communist movement , and that on the heals of death panels and pull the plug on Grandma.
p>Why need to combat it effectively to keep the extreme right and those they influence, from their deleterious influence on our Democratically elected government. We need to insist that Obama back his advisers unless they in fact they are communists or are proposing death panels.
to oppose something. Don’t make it so easy. If you are going to hire a Secretary of the Treasury, make sure he/she pays their income taxes, thinking of hiring Van Jones then make sure he’s been vetted properly and doesn’t have a closet full of skeletons, want to make a speech to students then make sure an “education Aide” doesn’t include a “lesson plan” on how they can help the President, Supreme Court justices… I mean if you are going to hang something on the wall make sure there are no hooks on it so Republicans can’t hang their hats on it. Republicans take those almost as overt challenges and a fight ensues.
I don’t think there has to be one shred of truth for the fight to ensue. The hooks help though. Like Clinton, the GOP is determined to undermine this presidency. Jones was but one adviser (czar in FOXNews speak) that they are going after.
p>The Afrikaner Party Draws First Blood: Van Jones, Barack Obama and the Audacity of Capitulation