Gee folks—the silence is deafening
ACORN is the quintesential definition: An ongoing criminal conspiracy.
The nut, (I’ll admit—he is definitely odd) Glenn Beck, certainly knows how to turn over the rock and expose what is going on in the highest levels of government.
What was the mantra a few years back? A culture of corruption? Take a look in the mirror.
Please share widely!
jimc says
I have a different view.
neilsagan says
What is the name of the kid who pretended he was a pimp and got all that incriminating tape on the people who staffed those ACORN offices? I think he gets all the credit for the two outcomes; ending federal assistance, and terminating the census contract. FoxGop is late t the party.
p>If you were a betting man, would you bet Glenn Beck is mentally ill or bi-polar and crazy like a fox? Forbes estimated he pulled in $23 million in the last 12 months. It’s hard to see what he could be so angry about.
p>It’s too bad ACORN allowed this to happen becuase we need to have a good solution to staffing for the census.
kbusch says
Well, if we’re to believe Michelle Bachman, it’s very important that the census be conducted correctly otherwise the Obama Administration will have some difficulty rounding up all the conservatives and putting them in internment camps.
tblade says
The Correct Answer: Who gives a shit?
christopher says
…why ACORN is being treated like it’s an arm of the DNC, OFA, or the White House. If ACORN is breaking laws it should be addressed (and I believe it has), but otherwise what’s the issue.
eaboclipper says
That run deep. It was the Chicago ACORN office that gave Obama his start in community organizing. Obama trained ACORN staffers for GOTV activities. ACORN is an arm of the DNC it has been responsible for GOTV for Dem candidates for decades.
p>But today they were defunded by a 345-75 vote of congress. How did our representatives vote? I’ll give you a clue:
johnk says
what the F is your point. Explain.
tblade says
Let me see if I follow your logic (if one could credibly call what you have presented “logic”):
p>Obama once worked with ACORN. 25 years later a group of poorly-run ACORN branches are shown to be involved with shady and corrupt activity. Since Obama worked for ACORN, Obama must be shady and corrupt. QED.
p>Is that the case you are making? Let me try this method on for size.
p>EaBo Clipper was raised as a Massachusetts Catholic. Some Catholic priests in Massachusetts raped little boys and other shady and corrupt priests worked to cover all this up. Since EaBo is a Catholic, he therefore rapes little boys. QED.
I will state again my feeling on ACORN: Who gives a crap?
jimc says
In my opinion.
p>I wouldn’t like it if EaBo did that to you.
kbusch says
that tblade would ever use such faulty logic. Misleading logic is quite toxic in the advertising age.
p>FYI: Eabo’s background includes opposition research for guess which political party.
jimc says
I just don’t like the guilt by association tactic, applied to EaBo, tblade, you, me, or Obama. I realize tblade was being snarky, but there’s a big difference between the president and EaBo as targets.
mr-lynne says
… precisely because he’s pointing out exactly how the ridiculous association is… well… ridiculous. That is, he’s pointing out that the logic is bad because the fact that EaBo isn’t guilty by association, but could be proven to be so using the logic. As such, it’s not a smear because the “isn’t” is the point.
mark-bail says
ACORN is the voter suppression tactics that the Republican Party has used to keep black voters from voting for Democrats. Suppressing the black vote is a key part of the GOP’s Southern strategy.
p>The GOP used allegations of voter fraud to neutralize attacks on its voter suppression tactics in the last Presidential election. Whether he knew of the strategy or not (he’s pretty damned dense), John McCain said during his campaign that ACORN was “now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy.”
p> begged to differ.
p>Conservatives also blamed ACORN for the subprime mortgage fiasco. By linking ACORN with the Community Reinvestment Act, conservatives blamed the victims for predatory lending practices.
p>Is ACORN badly run? I don’t know. It has chapters across the country. I would guess some of them could be run better. The conservative pimp and whore were in Baltimore. Their stunt looks bad, and it certainly should be investigated by the organization, but isn’t it possible, even likely, that ACORN chapters in Boston or Springfield or San Diego runs just fine? The truth doesn’t matter to Glenn Beck or the GOP. ACORN is made up primarily, I think, of black folks. Attacking them appeals to the Grand Old Peckerwoods and interferes with their voter registration drive.
eaboclipper says
Baltimore, DC, Brooklyn, San Bernadino, and today released video of an ACORN immigration employee agreeing to help them traffic underage sex workers through Tijuana.
p>Their investigative journalism has caused both houses of congress to vote to defund ACORN. ACORN is a corrupt organization that follows Alinsky’s principles, the same principles Alinsky’s son said he is proud to see Obama emulate.
p>The mask is being pulled off the organizations that the left uses to effect their “change”. It ain’t pretty.
p>These kids should be winning emmy’s. Even Jon Stewart has sung their praises.
demolisher says
.. forget the previous ones, and just imagine if that were a Republican “get out the vote” organization. Just imagine.
p>If you don’t think seriously about that, you are a pure partisan and as a bonus, a hypocrite all the way down to the core.
p>Sorry, but its true.
jimc says
Let’s investigate ACORN. Everything they do, in every office, every interaction they have with publicly funded agencies.
p>We’d all learn something.
p>As for Obama’s ties to ACORN, that is relevant how, exactly? Let’s suppose you’re right, and law-breaking is ACORN’s business. That would mean Obama left the organization, went to Harvard Law, then ran for public office quite successfully. It would make him a success story of the American system and not tarnish him at all.
p>Now, surely, you aren’t suggesting that the president engaged in any wrongdoing at ACORN, any more than I would suggest George Bush sold steroids to Roger Clemens, are you? You wouldn’t be trying to tarnish the president based on isolated actions taken in 2009 by employees who happened to work for an organization he worked for more than 20 years ago, are you?
p>And by the way, do you know Bank of America was cited for illegal activity last week, nondisclosure over the Merrill Lynch deal, at the highest levels of the organization? Do you recall when Wal-Mart got in trouble for hiring illegal immigrants? That’s illegal, EaBo, and there’s a Wal-Mart in my town! I’m outraged!
p>Jon Stewart is right. Where is the press on this story? Let’s get the story, the whole story, and not hold up one incident as the indictment of an entire organization.
demolisher says
to me its not about Obama, its about ACORN. Acorn which routinely assists with voter fraud and which has collected millions of yours and my tax dollars over the years. The good news is they are getting what they deserve right now from congress.
p>As for Obama, he’s got problems of his own – his associations with Wright, Ayers, Van Jones, ACORN, etc. are just a backdrop for everything that is going on right now.
p>Didn’t you find it interesting that on the same day that a report came out saying that Iran can build a nuke, Obama chucked our missile defense commitments to Poland and the Czech Republic? I guess the Russians were happy, because it was also the anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland. Nice touch, Obama.
p>Healthcare, anyone?
johnk says
not because of Acorn a the handful of cases in Nevada, it’s because a lot more people voted for Obama. Get over it. You lost because your party drove the country into the ground. Sorry you need to blame ACORN, you can stay in denial as long as you want. But you lost.
jimc says
All the things you dislike about Obama are connected to Obama.
p>What a web he weaves!
p>Re: the shield, as a conservative, shouldn’t you thank him? It’s a wasteful, ineffective government program.
demolisher says
We conservatives are strong on national defense.
p>Although personally I’m at least half libertarian.
tblade says
…by supporting an ineffective program against weapons that don’t exist?
eaboclipper says
but are manufactured and developed in Massachusetts by Raytheon. This decision will force Raytheon to lay off even more Massachusetts workers. Nice. Wonder what Niki has to say about that.
mr-lynne says
… defend pork now (which it is if it doesn’t actually help the military).
p>Now I’ve seen them all bend over backwards to not attack the existing socialized insurance and healthcare systems (and then attacking them again depending on their audience), denounce truth in favor of partisan loyalty, and now defend pork as long as it’s military pork in their district.
p>Its getting to the point that I can’t remember what it was like to be surprised by the GOP.
tblade says
…are the weapons that the Raytheon weapons would hypothetically destroy, not the Raytheon missiles themselves. Iran doesn’t have the missiles that the Raytheon missiles would supposedly protect against. So not only do these missiles not work well, there are no targets for these missiles.
kbusch says
We conservatives are strong on misguided national defense.
p>Iraq war anyone? Giving N.Korea and Iran strong incentives to develop nuclear weapons? Screwing up relations with Pakistan? Alienating Europe?
p>Awesome, totally awesome.
christopher says
…when you bring up Wright, Ayers, and Van Jones. While they may not be candidates for sainthood, there is NOTHING wrong with his association with any of them. Anything any of them did that you might not like was not endorsed by Obama. He distanced himself from Wright’s more incendiary statements, Ayers illegal activities were long before their acquaintance, and Van Jones was much ado about nothing.
mr-lynne says
… Digby:
p>With regard to missile defense, what he did was brilliant. He didn’t abandon missile defense and he didn’t abandon any commitments to defend against missiles. He took the DoD at its word that it could be done more cheaply from sea and put that plan into action. He simultaneously addressed a foreign policy problem (Russia), a money problem (cutting a DoD program’s) cost, and didn’t tread on anything the ‘pro-StarWars’ community could honestly object to (of course dishonesty is always an option for them).
p>Personally I think he should scrap the whole thing. It doesn’t work, it can’t work, and even if you can get it to work it costs more to implement than it would cost someone else to implement a work around. The cost benefit ratio sucks. We’ve got enough money problems as is and enough problems trying to modernize our military for the kinds of missions we are actually taking on.
eaboclipper says
tblade says
jimc says
You seem to be arguing that ACORN is rotten to the core. I think that ACORN is flawed, as are we all, but is fundamentally a good organization and a positive part of Obama’s background. So the timeline of his involvement isn’t that interesting to me. It would be fine with me if he spoke at an ACORN meeting tomorrow.
p>Am I summarizing your point accurately? And then, if you’re right, then what?
tblade says
Alinsky again? LOL! Eabo, man, seriously get a grip.
p>And, as usual Eabo, you ducked Mr. Bail’s question:
p>The Philadelphia office of ACORN filed a police report about O’Keefe on July 24th. So where is O’Keefe’s footage from his Philly trip?
eaboclipper says
So ACORN had a one out of 6 refusal rate to help him. When branch offices do the same thing, it ceases to be isolated incidents and becomes standard operating procedure.
tblade says
5 offices out of 1200 is a fair and representative sample? Obviously you had long ago made up your mind about how corrupt and bad for America ACORN is so I know it is irrelevant to you weather it was 1, 5, 100, or 0 ACORN offices involved with this behavior, but even you can’t believe that 5 is actually good evidence of standard procedure.
p>What is also troubling is that if O’Keefe was a journalist, as you are claiming, he would have reported on the ACORN office at which a police report was filed against him on July 26. O’Keefe claims that no ACORN offices kicked him out, but we have the police report. From the Media Matters link above:
p>What could he gain from lying about this fact?
sabutai says
I hope soon people go undercover into GOP — not independent organizations — honest-to-goodness GOP field offices. They can solicit help caging minority voters, tying up Democratic phone lines, physically forcing Democrats to enter the chamber for show votes…you know, all things that the Republican Party has done in Ohio, New Hampshire, and Texas already.
mark-bail says
EaBo posted is clueless. His answers seem to be agreement, covering up a lack of understanding.
p>He mentions the district attorney in spite of the fact that the conservative pimp and whore are pretending to perpetrate a crime? Maybe he’s incompetent, but my guess is that the guy kicks the whole thing up to his supervisor at some point.
p>Of course, the video doesn’t show that. I’m also disturbed by some of the editing in the beginning. We have a voice over summarizing and the guy answering on tape. That’s kind of screwy.
p>In response to MCRD’s contention that we should all be ashamed of our association with ACORN, I ask, “What is our association?” Is there anyone here with first-hand experience with the organization? It’s mainly a “for us, by us” organization dominated by poor African-Americans.