From that and one or two highly flammable injections here about the swine flu vaccine being a deliberately engineered bioweapon does chart my survivalist course of action. I do after all have to live in this state even if I want to take my entire family out of it before we all get euthanized.
We have become the Stepford Wives of mediocrity, dutifully clicking “Yes I accept this software end user license agreement” without even reading it. Just as lead ingestion may have caused the fall of the Roman Empire, propaganda ingestion will be the death of ours.
Death rates, riot rates are going to be high in this state for sure as this will be far greater than swine flu 1976. 3M6B the globalists not only “save” the enviornment they get the enhanced profit margins out of people who will work much harder and demand much less.
…why aren’t we all keeling over on the streets? The vast majority of people get vaccinated without any problems.
Scott Carpenter’s They Live was a good sci-fi movie.
Here is another take on 21st century life.
My second sentence is completely correct and I know for fact I’ve never had a problem.
things have “changed” in my 55 years of American life.…
p>At the very least I want to know why a compound of mercury is considered “safe” for injection into infants. I worked in the industry and went from sweeping it up off the floor to not being allowed to handle mercury at all outside of a contained air handling system.
p>Yes I question that revolving door of big pharma profiteers approving vaccines they made ten minutes ago.
p>I question the need for pre-emptive legal immunity for big pharma from peasants who might complain about their family memebers croaking off. I know you are all into reality and stuff but people are getting mad. Like the G20 and 911 truth “wackos”.
All I have to do, is shut up.
people wouldn’t be annoyed with your rant. in fact it wouldn’t be a rant.
the bigger the lie factor.
Tried it on other boards. Flatliners. It is much like yelling Obama in a rowdy Texas bar. Many places echo the daily talking points from the gatekeepers, either left or right, and whatever that is becomes “popular”. Things outside the box are just hattery of the tin foil variety.
p>Me, I agree with Prof. Panarin and most strangely he points to the second week of October of this year as the starting point of America’s demise. And what “rolls out” the second week of October?…
This guy.…
Are you sure about that?
You’re using a Roddy Piper movie that involves sunglasses to expose an alien takeover as a talking point. MIB can’t be far behind.
dystopian future sci-fi. Gattica, Blade Runner, Mad Max,V, take your pick.
“In this post 911 world”
“In this economy”
“Flu,swine flu,have you got your shot yet, did you ask your doctor for”
I know you hear it everyday, several times a day, as often as you casually check what time it is.
this is a satire right? Do you know anything about influenza, viruses, vaccines? It seems to me that you are woefully ignorant. Cotton Mather advocated smallpox vaccination in pre-revolutionary Boston. You know what? It worked. The influenza usually just kills the near dead but sometimes, like in 1918, a highly virulent form of the virus killed millions of the healthy and young. Fortunately, we have not encountered such a virulent strain since then but we must be ready for it. The price of being prepared is a little steep but if we aren’t ready then the government would not have done what is was supposed to do. You must be an extreme Luddite to be so opposed to three hundred year old technology. Get a grip man.
Its usually best to ignore him when he gets like this.
when he’s not like this?
or perhaps I was just a little nuts myself when I read them. đŸ˜‰
He really doesn’t. đŸ˜‰
p>Maybe a little too much wine? too many beers?
less people means more “stuff” leftover, a more green enviornment and nary a thought given to actually checking the situation out.
with a virulent flu, but its not OK to achieve the same result purposefully, with an engineered bioweapon. I think that’s true, right?
p>But now here is where it gets hard: what if they are counting on millions of people (conservatives, mainly) NOT taking the vaccine because they are afraid it is a bioweapon, and then they release a deadly flu virus after they know that the liberals are all prepared for it?
are fine. Although I’m just putting a sort of arbitrary historically significant date on it.
Usually he’s harmless, but occasionally he gets a little belligerent. He’s a textbook case, though. He’s never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t welcome and embrace with a big, sloppy, open-mouthed kiss–through his surgical mask.
I don’t ask paranoid government conspiracy “types”
search criteria is wider than yours. Do I accept everything I read, no. Are my CT sites six months ahead of lamestream news roll outs, yes. Does following CT make mainstream news look retarded, yes. Is conventional politics much like a pair of cheap Chinese made ViseGrip brand pliers,yes. Are your kids going to have the lifestyle of….well I won’t do that just yet.
I just wanna be left alone to enjoy these, the last of days.
Me too.
p>Spend less time posting drivel here and more time with someone you love.
Elder care in America, the baby boomers who will get nothing and how to teach your kids to screw over the government as their Patriotic duty in advancing the human condition. If I had not been screwed over continuously I would not be so mad.
Cheer up, you will be okay. It isn’t as bad as it looks. Just keep your chin up and hang in there. It is darkest before the dawn. Our best days are ahead. Good times for all. Chill, okay?
I have no idea what that means.
World population 6 billion
You are CEO of the world. Are you gonna let a measely 300 million screaming delusional brats use up a full 25% of the world’s resources?
How do I apply to become CEO of the world?
Or to be more substantive, what makes you think that “the world” is so well-organized that it could hatch plans like this?
but the very few that own it can and do.
the division is scary and it is what the globalists want, a reason for the martial law.
We would much rather be non-violent.
Like this guy.
Catchy buzzwords for interesting times.…
p>What if I am right.
“Could you and Agent Scully please get on the black helicopter over there? Yes, the one with the UN logo on it. Right next to the guy smoking the cigarette.”
p>Really, wasn’t this an X Files episode? With the bees and the cornfield? Do you have a cabin in Montana someplace?
but the globalists took the family jewels in the engineered economic collapse. No survival potential at the secondary safe location during the winter.
In your world, we were bombing Iran as of three years ago. A large multi-lane highway was being built to aid in massive labor flows of undocumented Mexicans into our job market before that. We were all going to be forced to adopt a North American currency (the “Amero”.) You had no problem with Obama until he became well-known, suddenly he was a puppet of your conspiracy.
p>It seems that whenever an issue hits the headlines, you have a conspiracy spin on it. When the issue fades, you forget about it. It’s a tired old pattern that not only is disconnected from reality, each discrete little plot is disconnected from the other. Your latest salvo cheered the murder of a federal worker.
p>If the Editors meant what they say in the Rules of the Road, you’d have been banned a while ago.
upon reading Obama’s position statements yet didn’t say anything. I do however recall blasting Pelosi as a sell out in 2006 for fully endorsing Bush’s war of error upon receiving her thank you for your support and here is HR 1 a Homeboy Stupidity extension of Bush insanity. Ah, but I have grown so much since then. Whatever.
and that you are trying to be controversial. That is okay by me because your expositions are entertaining as hell. If you are serious then you should really seek some help because conspiracies don’t abound. You are not surrounded by traitors or government agents. You are free, well sort of free, and live in a stable and comfortable part of the world. Relax, have fun, take a walk in the woods or by the river and take comfort in the fact that everything will be all right.
What do the globalists want A new world currency
How did a nobody become “The messiah” president
Iran: A country bordered on East, North, and South by foreign-occupied countries is seeking the ultimate defense.
p>A new world currency: On what planet?
p>As for the last question, he hustled.
Did you miss the recent G20 summit?
And question 2, David Rockefeller anointed him because Hillary was far too into herself to be his puppet.