Sounds like both cops need to go and maybe need to go to jail.
never put a finger on Alice Gibson Kramden, although he did attend anger management classes as soon as they were invented.
p>DA Conley has already proven what side of the thin blue line he stands on. As a result, justice suffers. As you mention, he’s got “spokesmen” Jake Wark protecting his weak flank.
wouldn’t be dead today, if he had not been arrested with substantial force, cuffed and left face down the night the Celtics won their last championship.
p>Nine policemen who were within feet of the arrest, some participating in the arrest some observing, all left the scene after the incident and went for medical care for stress.
p>Not one policeman at the scene was available to write a report. The report was written by a supervisor who was not at the scene at the time the incident took place. There was popular outrage over the lack of accountability, first that the nine policemen were not being held accountable for their actions, not even required to write their own reports about the incident. Why would it be a practice in BPD to have not one of the police on the scene file a report but instead have a supervisor in the station who saw nothing do it? At the very least, it is an extreme lack of accountability for their actions: It is systemic not the exception.
p>Conley, citing the autopsy report, claimed the boys heart condition was his cause of death. Woodmen has led an active life, in fact having played basketball with his friends earlier that day.
p>We’re still awaiting public release of the report from former USA Stern who was investigating BPD police procedure.
p>Commissioner Davis also wanted to integrate civil rights attorneys into the crowd control system, having them attend planning meetings, the role call meeting, observe the crowd control, and report. This constructive idea seems to have been left to whither on the vine.
p>Commissioner Davis has also committed to reform a practice called tesilying where police reports (and therefore testimony in court) are falsified to cover search and seizure violation and other civil rights violations.
p>The idea that policemen jobs are tough enough already is an excuse. As law enforcement can sometimes also break the law, even in the act of duty, and as the consequences can be damaging or lethal, accountability for one’s actions is the best remedy.
p>We’ll see if DA Conley can prosecute alleged criminal violations by suspects who work for the BPD and still get BPD support in prosecuting suspects who do not work in the BPD.
NeilSagan, I’ve noticed your comments and posts and been impressed with how you lay out facts and arguments. Good to have you here.
The dumbing down of America, the lowest common denominator, reaching DOWN to hire someone of a particular race, or sex–or whatever “minority, underserved, underprivileged or under-educated. A turnip can now get a job as a cop because of “equal protection”.
p>YOU created this—now live with it. Thirty five —forty years ago, you had a minority of cops that were idiots—now it is the MAJORITY. Learn to live with it folks—this is of your own making. Oh—one other thing—-it’s only going to get worse.
p>Vigilantism is right around the corner.
I’ve done some work with police in different communities and my observation is that most of them – a solid majority – are good people doing a difficult job as well as they can. The bad apples, a small minority, give the rest a bad name and should not be protected but weeded out. Too often, however, the bad apples are protected, like bad lawyers, teachers and physicians. MCRD, your tirade doesn’t even seem to follow from this discussion. What’s up??
The DA doesn’t fit your description of undesirables in law enforcement, “all colors, all sexual persuasions that are essentialy: MORONS”
p>I would not conclude on the basis of skin color or sexuality that Brian Dunford and David Santosuosso are incapable of enforcing the law according to procedure and not violating the rights of those who they encounter in the course of doing their jobs.
p>I think your opinion of a multi-racial BPD is prejudiced.
p>Race is not determinative of intellect or competence.
So it must be so.
Sounds like both cops need to go and maybe need to go to jail.
never put a finger on Alice Gibson Kramden, although he did attend anger management classes as soon as they were invented.
p>DA Conley has already proven what side of the thin blue line he stands on. As a result, justice suffers. As you mention, he’s got “spokesmen” Jake Wark protecting his weak flank.
wouldn’t be dead today, if he had not been arrested with substantial force, cuffed and left face down the night the Celtics won their last championship.
p>Nine policemen who were within feet of the arrest, some participating in the arrest some observing, all left the scene after the incident and went for medical care for stress.
p>Not one policeman at the scene was available to write a report. The report was written by a supervisor who was not at the scene at the time the incident took place. There was popular outrage over the lack of accountability, first that the nine policemen were not being held accountable for their actions, not even required to write their own reports about the incident. Why would it be a practice in BPD to have not one of the police on the scene file a report but instead have a supervisor in the station who saw nothing do it? At the very least, it is an extreme lack of accountability for their actions: It is systemic not the exception.
p>Conley, citing the autopsy report, claimed the boys heart condition was his cause of death. Woodmen has led an active life, in fact having played basketball with his friends earlier that day.
p>We’re still awaiting public release of the report from former USA Stern who was investigating BPD police procedure.
p>Commissioner Davis also wanted to integrate civil rights attorneys into the crowd control system, having them attend planning meetings, the role call meeting, observe the crowd control, and report. This constructive idea seems to have been left to whither on the vine.
p>Commissioner Davis has also committed to reform a practice called tesilying where police reports (and therefore testimony in court) are falsified to cover search and seizure violation and other civil rights violations.
p>The idea that policemen jobs are tough enough already is an excuse. As law enforcement can sometimes also break the law, even in the act of duty, and as the consequences can be damaging or lethal, accountability for one’s actions is the best remedy.
p>We’ll see if DA Conley can prosecute alleged criminal violations by suspects who work for the BPD and still get BPD support in prosecuting suspects who do not work in the BPD.
NeilSagan, I’ve noticed your comments and posts and been impressed with how you lay out facts and arguments. Good to have you here.
The dumbing down of America, the lowest common denominator, reaching DOWN to hire someone of a particular race, or sex–or whatever “minority, underserved, underprivileged or under-educated. A turnip can now get a job as a cop because of “equal protection”.
p>YOU created this—now live with it. Thirty five —forty years ago, you had a minority of cops that were idiots—now it is the MAJORITY. Learn to live with it folks—this is of your own making. Oh—one other thing—-it’s only going to get worse.
p>Vigilantism is right around the corner.
I’ve done some work with police in different communities and my observation is that most of them – a solid majority – are good people doing a difficult job as well as they can. The bad apples, a small minority, give the rest a bad name and should not be protected but weeded out. Too often, however, the bad apples are protected, like bad lawyers, teachers and physicians. MCRD, your tirade doesn’t even seem to follow from this discussion. What’s up??
The DA doesn’t fit your description of undesirables in law enforcement, “all colors, all sexual persuasions that are essentialy: MORONS”
p>I would not conclude on the basis of skin color or sexuality that Brian Dunford and David Santosuosso are incapable of enforcing the law according to procedure and not violating the rights of those who they encounter in the course of doing their jobs.
p>I think your opinion of a multi-racial BPD is prejudiced.
p>Race is not determinative of intellect or competence.