We set up our post on an elevated curb along Pennsylvania Avenue, proudly surveying the throngs we’d funded. The crowds mainly greeted us with cheers for the status quo. A few seemed confused; they were clearly in awe to be face-to-face with those who profit from their most manipulated fears.
As they passed we waved them on and serenaded them with our songs.
From our perch, your trusty billionaires we thanked our hardworking teabaggers, rallying the crowd with rousing chants like “Money is freedom!”, “Freedom Works – FOR US!, “You Protest – We Profit!” and the big crowd favorite, “Bring Back Bush!!!”
From there we decamped and headed into the crowds toward the Capitol to mingle with those working so hard to ensure our right to raise rates and deny claims.
The crowd embraced us with their exuberant chants and signs. Ayn Rand was a favorite theme, of which we naturally approved, but some were a bit unique. Regardless, we’re proud of the teabaggers, and so thrilled that they came out like good soldiers. After all, nothing says freedom like denying claims. And besides, OUR death panels turn a profit.
To close we popped some champagne, toasted our teabaggers and took our leave of the march.
Back in the limo, we enjoyed the last of our caviar and, as a final touch, sent a huge flower arrangement to the luxury suite of our most loyal foot soldier, Glenn Beck, and headed home.
Until the next rally, we remain yours in obscene wealth and the status quo – Billionaires For Wealthcare.
You, too can be a billionaire in the comfort of your own Town Hall Meeting! Check our website and join in the fun!
Thanks for sharing, never heard of them before!
p>I watched the video and some the protesters were actually agreeing with them, like they didn’t get it, which, of course, they don’t get it, or they wouldn’t be out there
fighting against health care reform.
…where a newspaper challenged its readers to add a letter to any word, making a new word which still reflected the meaning of the original while making it funny. For example, someone added a ‘t’ to the word inoculate to make inoculatte, defined as taking coffee intravenously. One of my favorites applies to this post, the addition of an ‘h’ to sarcasm:
p>There was definitely a sarchasm moment here…
I love that sign “Let them eat advil” and the teabaggers taking the billionaires as their own. THANKS for sharing.
Wonder how “far” it will go? Civil war perhaps? John Brown’s Insurrection? More blood at Lexington Green” Another Boston Masacre? Visualize the headline:
p>The autumn is a nice time of year for blood to be running into the sewers. Nice contrast with the leaves from the Common. Never happen? Really?
spells the mayor’s name correctly.
Only a “drill”
They asked me how to get to one of the nearby National Park areas and said it was great this was preserved. I resisted the temptation to point out it was preserved courtesy of their tax dollars!
“Turn left and go three blocks to the public park, a great example of a very successful federal program. Isn’t it wonderful that we have a “public option” for parks?”
…if I weren’t on the job at the non-profit store on NPS property at the time.
There were hundred of the right-wing protesters yesterday on the DC Metro (the subway system). As we billionaires were riding away from the demo, we talked loudly about privatizing it and how socialist it was, but folks studiously ignored us. As we left the train, though, a “Metro is socialist” shout into the adjacent train car did seem to turn some heads…
I sympathize with not being able to make certain comments in work settings!
and what exactly does this add to the debate?
Some of those billionaires are British, thereby also adding humour.
but I would daresay that in addition to the all-too-rare humor mentioned by BrooklineTom, it points out who truly benefitted from yesterday’s protests more succinctly than the average speech, essay, or blog post.