Heads out of the sand time people!
Rep. Mike Rodrigues D-Westport buying
his booze in New Hampshire! Didn’t Mike just vote to RAISE all these taxes. Isn’t Westport next to Rhode Isnand, at the southern-most point in MA? I mean this is a conscious effort to skirt the very taxes he voted to increase. You don’t just take a wrong turn here. Where’s the outrage? Oh, silly me, he’s a democRAT, he’s entitled. He makes laws for other people, he doesn’t have to obey them.
Only since we require documentation of all nonfavorable democRATic stories. RMG had it two days ago.
Since he was using his State House license plates, are we going to be paying for his booze with his per diem allowance? Probably.
But what’s the problem? Has Rep. Rodrigues broken any laws? Isn’t he entitled to buy his liquor anywhere he likes? And what’s this about State House license plates? Who cares what license plates he has?
p>This is a phoney non-story, in my opinion–red meat for the unhinged.
Why dis he vote on a sales tax on alcohol? Shouldn’t a MASSACHUSETTS State Pepresentative, whose salary is paid by the very citizens he taxes, encourage business in MASSACHUSETTS bY shopping in MASSACHUSETTS?
Did MASSACHUSETTS taxpayers sponsor his little trip by filling up his gas tank with his “per diem” money.
This is a deliberate act to skirt the law that he helped pass.
Never mind sand, get you heads out of your posteriors! That Mihos commercial is looking way too accurate right now.
p> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v…
I guess I’m all outraged out (does that equal inraged?) over where he buys his fireworks.
It depends on whether or not he declares the purchase when he does his taxes.
p>In any case, I have stopped at that location many times to use the bathroom, and once or twice also picked up a bottle of wine because I happened to be there. I don’t see what the big deal is unless he is buying massive amounts.
Down on 495 less than 5 miles from there. Just so you don’t feel obligated to purchase something.
So what if there is. None of the times I stopped there had anything to do with presence of the store, and there is no rational reason to avoid stopping there. The restroom facilities are separate from the store, BTW.
p>Furthermore, I was not traveling on 495 any of those times, so I don’t understand the relevance in any case.
It is ok for lawmakers to enact tax increases that they have every intention of skirting.
It is ok for lawmakers to use their “official” State House issued lucense plates for personal weekend trips to be able to charge their gas to their per diem accounts.
I was born, but not testerday. This stinks no matter how many gallons of whitewash you try putting on it.
As far as I know the license plates are for their personal vehicles.
so I don’t use a certain card.
To add injury to insult, his district office adjoins a package store! (Victoria Block, ch. 7) Is Rodrigues trying to outdo deval in the arrogance department?
is a hypocrite. He votes to enact a tax law that he attempts to skirt by buying his juice in New Hampshire? And I don’t think for a minute that he would have declared any of this on his taxes if he hadn’t been caught. I mean – what would be the point? Why not patronize that nice little liquor store right next to your office, buy some good will, and keep the business local? This is another case of optical delusion. The rep is delusional if he didn’t think this would look bad. Bozo, thy name is Representative Mike Rodrigues.
p>These are the stories that just piss people off. Everyone is talking about it.
He is…I don’t care how downrated I get on this. We should have the integrity to call it as we see it, even if it’s one of our own. Rodrigues is a hypocrite. He should have hauled his sorry Massachusetts-legislating, tax increasing butt right back to Westport, and bought his liquor there…or some other Massachusetts liquor store on his way home from his two-day vacation in NH. People do not love the “do as I say, not as I do” rubbish from guys like him.
Rodrigues has since announced that he will pay the tax, if “that’s what he’s supposed to do.” Oye.
p>This knucklehead does not get a pass, as least from me.
p>Why the assumption that he wouldn’t pay use tax?
Except for car registrations where they get you for the sales tax you didn’t pay in NH, most people in my neck of the woods shop north of the state line, partly to avoid taxes and partly because that’s where the stores are because businesses know people try to avoid taxes.
…keeps all but the most idealistic, ambitious and/or idiotic people out of politics. The guy can’t even buy some booze away from his hometown without a bored keyboard jockey getting all excited.
p>Thank goodness for the idealists, or we’d be choosing from different version of Sarah Palin.
Grabbing a bottle or 3 is a whole ‘nother thing from filling his car. Neither Herald account (including Howie Carr’s diatribe) says how much he bought.
Many a NH liquor store has been a bathroom break in my travels.