Boston voters and Blue Mass junkies should be interested in this week’s editorial, which urges a Yoon/Menino contest in Boston’s November election for mayor.
An advance read is here…
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Yoon’s a stuffed shirt, Menino will trounce him. I’d say Flaherty is the best candidate to take on Mennino. As for ideas I think McCrea is the clear winner, here’s hoping he runs for a smaller office like the leg or the City Council.
He has some good ideas but he also has some really bad ones. He is great for lobbing bombs at the current administration but I really don’t think he would make a competent mayor.
p>How exactly is Yoon a “stuffed shirt”? What does that mean anyway? It is Flaherty who has come off rather stiff in the debates so far, but I don’t think I would describe either in those terms.
p>Flaherty is probably a better challenger just because he seems to have more money and more support than Yoon, but Flaherty to me doesn’t strike me as a true reformer.
p>I don’t get that impression at all.
p>We should consider having a thread about pros and cons of each candidate. I’m convinced Menino has built a great bureaucracy with lots of layers and too much Real Estate tax increase (some of which can be blamed on Romney’s reductions in local aid.) I need some group sourcing to help me figure out who to choose.
p>Can we have a city government without the patronage?
A stuffed shirt is as you and the dictionary said
p>Sounds like Yoon to me. Your entitled to your impressions but thats mine. The man has no ideas and no conviction and thinks he is a reincarnated asian Barack Obama-he’s not and his third place showing will be a good wake up call. Maybe he’ll bother attending council meetings now.
It occurred to me this morning that all the mayoral challenges committed the same error when the field was established. They treated Menino as their opponent. This is logical, but wrong, because first they had emerge as challenger to Menino. So that means Yoon had to beat Flaherty, or vice versa, or at least generate enough heat to make the other one irrelevant.
p>The e-mail issue got play on WBUR this morning — “biggest scandal of the administration,” or some such — but it doesn’t matter because there is no single alternative.
p>On the bright side, every challenger has an acceptable second prize: a good position for 2013.
p>I suppose there is still time for one of them to exceed expectations and gain momentum for November, but right now I don’t see it. No agenda here … just callin’ it as I see it.
Don’t believe any of term pledges, the man is Mayor for Life.
But he’ll be four years longer in the tooth, and arguably more beatable.