“Working families have been hit the hardest by this recession — building trades, health care workers, manufacturing workers and public employees,” said Robert Haynes, President of Massachusetts AFL-CIO. “Despite signs that the economy is improving, everyone knows it’s a ‘jobless recovery.’ The official numbers don’t reflect reality or the impact on workers. The number of people who have stopped looking for work or are underemployed, is as high as those without work. We need jobs now.”
“Far too many profitable companies like Verizon and Hyatt are exploiting the recession to cut their headcount and further boost profits,” said Richard Rogers, head of the Greater Boston Labor Council. “It is absolutely unconscionable.”
“Taxpayers poured billions of dollars into banks that were “too big to fail,” said Alexandra Pineros-Shields, board member of Jobs with Justice. “Then the banks gave outrageous bonuses, foreclosed on people’s homes, gouged consumers and spent millions to lobby against new laws that would hold them more accountable. Where are the jobs for working people?”
The march will kick off on the Boston Common at 4:00 PM and proceed to stops at the Hyatt Hotel, the Bank of America and Verizon’s Franklin Street headquarters. Everyone will end up at the Federal Reserve Bank for a short rally at about 5:30 PM.
I’m not feeling an “improving” economy. The fact that the stock market is slowly rising means little to me on Main Street America. I’ve already lost 35% of the meager retirement I had. Prices are not dropping, inspite of the drop in oil prices (which is one good thing we’ve seen since the oil twins left office). I would imagine the continued high prices could be blamed on the low dollar, but you would think that would affect the billion dollar profit margins too, which it never seems to do.
p>Thanks for the post. This issue is not talked about nearly enough.
Banks spending millions to avoid regulation
p>Banks don’t want any limits on fees, raising rates, refusing credit, or anything else – and the ones who sucked the hardest at the public teat are the worst. But read the above, check this out More than you ever wanted to know about federal lobbyists
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