I heard he had a fundraiser on Martha’s Vineyard last Saturday? How did it do? I know his buddy Barack didn’t attend. I’m not sure there was one, I just heard a rumor.
His campaign kickoff last Sunday in Hopkinton? Well, how did it do? We’re waiting to hear what a rousing success it was? Or was it?
Please share widely!
did you say it, then you heard yourself say it and then wrote it as something you heard?
I couldn’t find where I read it. That is why I openly said it was rumor.
I read it right here, on this page. It’s on the Internet! It must be true!
The Governor was at Ted Kennedy’s funeral on Saturday. So was the President. I’m pretty sure there was no fundraising going on there.
I don’t think they travelled to DC. Even I don’t think deval is crass enough to do that.
billxi, although you are the absolute definition of a troll, there is something amusing about your energy.
So how spectacular was the Hopkinton campaign kickoff?
Wife was there. Said it was great and well attended. Take that for what its worth.
Hotdogs and burgers and such and wooden picnic tables – at least that is what it was like last year – same place and no “kickoff” at all. I don’t remember if optional donations were collected or not, frankly, last year. I do remember that signatures were being collected by various folks there should be a link last year’s grassroots picnic in Hopkinton I just got back tonight – reading BMG is a nice break from unpacking.
Sincerely speaking here. I hope your parents are well. Your post last week came on the heels of my sister-in-law telling me about her trials trying to help her siblings care for their parents, while she commutes every few weeks from Florida. You’re not alone.
…and we were quite needed.
p>I never said I was “alone”.
p>Nor rich … not complaining but… I was less than impressed with the tone of your prior post.
p>Just saying…meanness helps no one.
p>I was quite pleased with the self-discipline, fortitude, and compassion that my adult children exhibited with my mother [alzheimers] and everyone in the family pitched in and supported one another…without any whining about the trip as this was the only “family vacation” this year.
p>The challenges faced which I will not list except to say that the Serenity Prayer does not wear out and is available to anyone who chooses to use it.
p>From the email I received about the event.
Eabo – to “kick off” grass roots organizing is not the formal, signature event of a Campaign Kick Off. Different beastie.
p>You can eat bar-b-que without an event “being a bar-b-que” if you see what I mean.
p>The actual “kick off” was some time ago and on the fancy side, actually, and was a “big hoopla event” as opposed to a grass roots smooze.
p>Dunno how a party the day before hip surgery, more or less, went. I cannot imagine Deval Patrick was feeling great. When I was bone-on-bone with dead cartilege the day before MY hip replacement on 7/19/06 I hurt like hell.
p>Anyway, I was not there; personal business to attend to. Such is life.
p>I hope you enjoyed the photos from last year; that was the best I could do as I didn’t attend this year.
p>Hey – anyone got pictures to post from this years picnic?
We’ll trade pictures! We have some lovely ones from that little Dartmouth RTC party. I say little because it was a regional thing, only drew 250+. Must have been thousands at Deval’s STATEWIDE thing.