Of course this is untrue. Taxes create jobs in many ways. Most obviously, federal, state, and local governments spend tax revenues on salaries, benefits, and the purchase of goods and services.
Of special interest to those of us who live-and drink-in Massachusetts is the anti-tax website’s “Tax Impact Calculator.” According to the calculator, “49.43% of the cost of an average bottle of Smirnoff vodka in Massachusetts is tax! On average, that’s $6.66.”
(Note: I have not attempted to independently verify their numbers.) But their own “calculator” makes one thing clear: Massachusetts is not Taxachusetts. According to the “calculator,” 44 of 49 states higher–in some cases significantly higher–alcohol tax rates than does Massachusetts (which, according to the “calculator,” has the lowest alcohol tax rate in New England).
So, let’s join our progressive friends at Drinking Liberally and SEIU in protesting Diageo Liquor’s rightwing anti-health care and anti-tax campaigns. Click here to sign.