Now that the dust is settling it appears Capuano has/is/and will capitalize on two things.
1. Nancy Pelosi – Cap is a trusted and loyal lieutenant and instrumental in her getting the speakership. Nancy wants to return the favor and you can’t have too many friends in U.S Senate. And Bobby DeLeo ain’t helping Pags, so that leaves fellow paisin Capuano.
So Lynch has Speaker Pelosi explaining how easier life will be for him in the U.S. House if he doesn’t run and Speaker Deleo giving his word that if he stays out his district won’t be chopped up. If he runs and loses, who knows?.
I doubt Deleo made that same promise to Tierney. I expect to see a Tierney/Tsongas run-off 2012.
2. The Kennedys. Young Joe Kennedy fresh out of Harvard Law is destined for the eighth congressional. Only one way though. Get Capuano out of there, which means…..
Cap has a good chance now that he is one on one with Coakley.
Yes I know about Pags and the City Year guy. Like I said Cap has Martha one on one.
Get it?
In fairness to Larry Lucchino he did save Fenway. Good job Larry.
Same to Mitt Romney for getting rid of the Sagamore Rotary.
Even broken clocks are right twice a day.
Is Terry Murray trying to play it so Martha gets the Senate appointment?
Attention potential 2010 state rep. candidates: pay attention to your opponents vote on the Senate appointment. Add this to the list. You know, the one that has budget votes even though they knew the budget was a fiction, the tax increases, the sponsorship of the transgender bill supporting the “expression standard”.
And don’t forget the up coming gambling legislation making Deleo’s and Deval’s special interests allot of dough
Will Peter Koutoujian be our next Attorney General? Rumor has it that the deal has already been made with DeLeo. Charley Murphy and Tupperware Jim Vallee want to fight it out for Speaker so they each took a pass.
I am just suspect of a rep that has raised and not spent as much money as Peter Koutoujian has. ($400,000 I think)It doesn’t mean anything though. Whoever gets the AG appointment (if Martha wins) will be able to raise tons of dough before the next election.
Ben Affleck’s movie being shot around town sounds wicked awesome. Fenway Park and Harvard Square locations.
C’mon Ben, you are becoming a one trick pony. Nobody wants to see Fenway Park in a movie anymore. It’s like mailing it in dude.
Inexhaustible. Go for it, Ben.
p>Besides, we have Fever Pitch to try to forget.
It’s pisan, you insensitive clod.
I always thought it was Paisan.
accepted, although I prefer paisan. Paisan is a shortened version of paisano shortened, meaning a fellow countryman.
Geez, Ernie’s off-shore copy-editor must have been laid off.
In what way stoRmv?
Vote for Martha – she never indicted a Demorcat!
p>Coakley for Senate – She Doesn’t Make Waves.
p>After Martha humiliated herself in front of the Supreme Court, the only way to go is up. At least if she’s in the Senate, no one will ask her tough questions.
But if all the Coakley opponents continue to be such obnoxious boors, I may vote for her.
The laws are in place for a number of reasons, and the Mayor (and his staff) doesn’t get to pick and choose which ones to follow and which ones to ignore.
p>There is a criminal investigation of Dianne Wilkerson going on right now, and records were supposed to be turned over. So right now, we have:
p>1) A lawsuit against the BRA in which documents were destroyed.
p>2) A judge ordering the City of Boston not to destroy any more documents, in 2008!
p>3) A state senator taking bribes for a liquor license.
p>4) A state senator who did all of her business with the city through the Mayor’s chief advisor.
p>5) The Mayor’s chief advisor turning over only 12 emails for a year period, in this very same criminal investigation.
p>6) The Mayor’s chief advisor not only deleting but double deleting documents.
p>7) The entire machine at City Hall saying what’s the big deal, when it is entirely possible the emails may bring down several people at City Hall.
p>Of course the conclusion is that this is campaign thing for Michael Flaherty!?!?
p>When DiMasi was nearly unanimously reelected to Speaker of the House a week before being arrested and charged on the Cognos deal, there was an outcry and disgust at the contempt for electorate. But for this, in the face of an ongoing criminal investigation of Wilkerson, it’s just the campaign. Give me a break.
we already have a Gladys Kravitz in the BMG neighborhood? Methinks you need a new metaphor.
Tough to diss a guy when you can’t Get his name right.
p>Pags is in:
p>and with big bucks. He hurts Congressman Capuano in that there is no “one on one” with Coakley – not when another candidate has $25 million to spend.
All have been made.
p>Community editing