How have you been? I must say mam, we were all quite impressed with you during the funeral and all. It was a top-shelf show from his final breath of Cape Cod air right up ’til they put the last piece of finely manicured sod over the grave. It was the Cadillac of funerals. Really.
But Mrs. Kennedy, that’s not the purpose of my call. The staff has designated me their spokesperson on this delicate matter. They want me to emphasis the Kennedy legacy of helping the little guy, empathizing with the working man, and doing what he could to help.
Vickie, may I call you Vickie? Sorry, Mrs. Kennedy we have one last wish.
Pleeeezzze Don’t Let Mike Dukakis Be Our Next Boss!!
You hear me. He will come down here and say things like, “We don’t need this.” “Why are we paying all these people all this money?” “Get rid of that water cooler.” “I prefer to walk to the White House.”
He will be unbearable. He’ll insist we all take buses and trains everywhere. He’ll go around making sure we use both sides of paper so we don’t waste it. He won’t let us have a weekly football pool or Super Bowl(t.m.) squares. Kitty will be calling all the time. He’ll make us pick up trash outside the Capitol Building. And
He won’t do a goddamn thing for anyone.
Please Mrs. Kennedy, we are begging you. Don’t let this happen.
BTW Mrs. Kennedy, how long do you think before you start dating again? I have $100 saying it will in two years.
Administrators please consider deleting this Ernie Boch, III posting. The part about Vicki Kennedy’s “dating again” is totally inappropriate and ads nothing to this discussion board but the kind of vile and contempatable vomit one would expect from a howie carr, michael graham or swishy jay severin.
This would be in bad taste if instead of Ted Kennedy Tom Menino passed and I said this to Angela.
p>But it is not.
p>It is satire on an interantional figure who passed away over a month ago and his nationally known spouse. A woman who has inserted herself into the political process by using her popularity and husbands contacts to lobby for her husbands replacemnt to the United States Senate.
p>Take the blinders of Thomas. The Kennedy’s are not better then you or me. Yet too many people, icluding you, want them to always have special privledges.
p>I just don’t get it.
What’s wrong with swishy Tom?
p>So what id jar Severin is gay. Why should you or I care?
TP – the dating was over the top, but the rest is excellent.
It wouldn’t be ernie if it was not over the top.
They’re suing you for giving tasteless attempts at humor a bad name.
I was with him, right up until the “swishy.”
Or, can we at least get a ‘disapprove’ button next to the ‘reccomend’ so that we can easily voice our displeasure….?
Does anyone know how much this is costing us?
Each posting from Ernie you read takes away a piece of your soul. It’s hard to put a price on it, though.