Read the rest of “I’m not a racist…I’m a Democrat” by Melissa Harris-Lacewell in The Nation.
Here’s another good read on the topic “Professor Radical Goes To Washington To Preview The Apocalypse”.
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
…that one reason other nations have universal coverage is because it’s more politically feasible in racially homogeneous societies, where everyone identifies with everyone else.
I think the motivation for the racist tactics is pure cynicism, motivated by greed, on the part of the corporate interests who correctly see that universal health care derails one more of their many gravy trains.
p>When gender politics serve the interests of this same crowd, gender politics is their game. Same with the xenophobic agitation against immigrants. I don’t mean to excuse the racism. I mean that if we somehow address and moot the racial tactics, this crowd will identify and pursue others.
p>Their goal is to preserve the staggering wealth — and therefore power — that they currently control.
You quote:
p>That’s a silly and unsupportable assertion. It’s so silly I can’t think of where to start deconstructing it. Because someone says this does not make it so.
p>It would be nice if you could give some examples of language, images, frames, or strategies which stoke racial fear. The author of the piece, Melissa Harris-Lacewell does not. Can you?
All the talk about immigrants which have about as much to do with the health care discussion as they do with a debate on a highway project. (What will the government do to ensure illegal immigrants do not drive on this proposed highway?)
p>And images….are you kidding? There’s too many to choose from. Oh wait a minute, how about this…
Beck imitates Obama pouring gasoline on “average American”; says: “President Obama, why don’t you just set us on fire? … We didn’t vote to lose the Republic”