Please Vote for Kevin McCrea today
Dear Friends,
I hope that you vote for me today. I guarantee that you will feel good about the vote, that you won’t feel that the vote is wasted. Every vote that I receive is a vote against the status quo. It is a vote against timid politicians who go along to get along until they want more power and then they make empty promises which can not be verified or backed up.
I have made specific promises, to work in the schools every week, to put a few more cops on the street, to stop giving property and tax breaks away to connected insiders, to eliminate the BRA and even out the balance of power at City Hall.
I once heard someone say, “promise only what you can deliver, and deliver more than you promise”. That is the essence of my campaign. There are no empty promises from me and you will get more than just words from me.
I will make Boston government the most open, honest and accountable in the country. I will value education first, and cut funds from schools last. I won’t raise taxes when we have a spending problem.
I will answer questions, ask questions and engage the community. I look forward to bringing Boston to its potential.
I believe I’m the most progressive candidate in this race. I believe in Universal Health Care, progressive taxes, public schools (not charters), term limits, campaign finance reform, enforcing the Boston Jobs Policy, and my staff reflects the City it serves. The contracts I have done for the City of Boston exceeded the required numbers of residents and minorities. I fought for Open Meeting Laws, while my 3 opponents funded lawsuits and studies to keep the public’s business in the backrooms.
I invite you to compare the specifics of my platform at with my opponents and see how they have co-opted my positions on the BRA, on transparency, on term limits, on elected members of the School Committee. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Most of all, please vote! It is the easiest way to hold our politicians accountable!
I don’t think you’re the right man for the job in this election. But I think you are to be commended for running and staying in the race.
p>Democracy is about popular choice. But too often–especially in Massachusetts state and local politics–there are not enough choices, making democracy less meaningful.
p>I wish there were more people that could and would run for office. I wish there was a little more respect for those who do.
p>No matter what anyone says about you or your campaign, I congratulate you and hope you enjoyed the experience.
I think you would have done better if you had at least thought about some of the questions I asked of you here, instead of looking for votes from faux liberals who are already in the bag for the establishment system. However I thank you for running, I hope you will try again.
not those faux liberals.
p>What is a faux liberal? It’s a person who pretends to have liberal views but secretly harbors wingnut values.
p>While most politicians are trying to capture the middle Seascraper advocates capturing the false left. Well done.
You ran a fine campaign and you, more effectively than any other candidate, made the case for change by identifying elements of the governance of this city that few voters are prepared to abide. Those who vote for Menino today, discount the important of your charges.
p>The other half of the battle is convincing the electorate that you are the best choice to run the government and that is harder to do for someone coming from outside of government than say city counselor or DA.
p>That said, if you win, I hope make good on your promise to offer Menino, Yoon and Flaherty important policy and management positions in your administration.