to vote for a candidate with the experience and courage to change the way City Hall does business. I am that candidate. The Boston Globe has confirmed, in its editorial page, that we are the campaign best suited to challenge Mayor Menino, and his 16-year record, in the final election on November 3rd.
I am reaching out to you, the BMG community, and asking for your support as well. This online forum has been an excellent source of dialogue and discussion throughout the campaign. It has provided my campaign with relevant and useful insight into the minds of politically active residents of our city, helping me to more accurately gauge the needs of people in all neighborhoods. It is my goal to be a mayor for all Bostonians. I also recognize that many of you do not support my candidacy, but I appreciate those of you who were able to express your concerns in a constructive manner.
With a victory on Tuesday we will be one step closer to bringing real change to the administration of City Hall. But, in order to get that opportunity I need your vote. I am asking for your vote on Tuesday. If you would like any more information about my campaign and platforms, please visit my website.
Michael Flaherty
Candidate for Mayor of Boston
christopher says
hrs-kevin says
A while back an extremely rude supporter (employee?) of yours posted here under the user name “ItsTime”. I believe his account was disabled for bad behavior.
p>I still would like to hear you actually say something critical of the behavior of the Firefighter’s union and those members of the department who are abusing their benefits. I need you to show me that you are not beholden to them before I can feel good voting for you.
michaelflaherty says
I will make sure that the next contract the City signs with the Firefighters will contain a provision for random and mandatory drug testing. I am taking it one step further than what the Mayor has called for and failed to achieve over the past 16 years, and in several contracts with his signature on them. This will not be part of a negotiation or give and take. This will be part of any contract I sign as Mayor.
p>I will be critical of any city employee that takes advantage of tax payer money. Whether it be in the form of pension, or sick time abuse. This is why I want to be the next Mayor. I want to change the culture within City Hall. I want employees to be proud of where they work and the job that they do. We are all servants to the taxpayers, me included.
hrs-kevin says
You say you “will be critical” in the future, but it is absolutely clear that some firefighters have already lied about their disabilities to get better benefits and taken bogus sick days to pad their vacation and give their buddies overtime. Hopefully very few are doing this, but it is clear that it has been happening.
p>You have been asked about this several times and have only blamed the Mayor. I think that is a cop out.
p>Regarding the contract, it is not only the issue of whether their will be random drug testing, but whether you cave to the union and give them even more goodies in return. We shouldn’t have to pay firefighters more to improve safety. We have the second most expensive department in the country after San Francisco. I don’t want to see us vie for the number one spot.
neilsagan says
p>What are the top three things you would like to change most about “the way City Hall does business” and how would you do it?
natashap says
meet and greet and will be back to answer your questions in a few.
michaelflaherty says
First, I will eliminate the BRA and establish two separate agencies; City Planning and Economic Development.
p>Then, I will make sure that all meetings, whether they be Zoning Board of Appeals, Licensing or meetings of the City Planning and Economic Development agencies, be broadcast on TV or online for every resident to see.
p>We also need to put the entire City Budget online in a user-friendly format. Our residents deserve to know where their tax-dollars are being spent. Every time a vendor gets paid by this city, the public should know.
p>Voice-mail will also be given to every City employee.
rupert115 says
I don’t live in Boston, but if I did you’d have my vote. It’s time for some new blood.