Martha Coakley named Terry Murray as her finance chairman.
Martha, how dumb are you. Seriously. You too Terry. First of all, Martha we all know Terry is balls to the walls for you and will be raising you serious dough regardless. Now you are asking her to go to business people throughout the state and the arm on them. What do they have pending in the Senate? Each must come through with a commitment of what? $50,000, $100,000, $250,000….
At what cost to Terry and the Senate?
Typically the finance chairman is a very wealthy yet active Democrat who knows where the real money is and how to get at it. Not a position for a pol. Terry was going to use her office to raise as much money as possible for Martha without the title. Now the spot light on Terry putting the spotlight on Terry and Senate actions during the campaign.
If only he ran
Suggestion to Steve Lynch media people.
Show little of him in commercials. Emphasize his independence, his opposition to single payer, his support of charter schools, only one to not sign Globe support letter, not afraid to go against base (the unions recently booed him)
Favors charter schools, questioned Tarp money. And btw he is great on constituent services.
Steve Lynch is who the silent majority want speaking for them in the US Senate.
He is not the lock step liberal that the other
candidates are. Separate himself from the other candidates.
In the 70s – in Mass a liberal would win because he was the only one out of 3 or 4 candidates. John Kerry, Ed Markey, Paul Tsongas)
Today a moderate Dem can win when surrounded by knee jerk Democrats. IMHO
The moderate dems and independents can win this for Lynch. Get beyond looks, speech, reputation, and blah blah. Let people know what he’s been doing and who he really is. Keep him out of commercial as much as possible.
Right commercials and big media buy are the key for Lynchie. (Plus GOTV of course – and that he knows how to do)
But anyway, it ain’t gonna happen now, so I can’t see my theorey play out. Good job though Lynchie. I am sure you got some nice things from Nancey Pelosi to get out. That’s good for you and your constituents.
Bobby and Terry will soon be asking their underlings to take another tough vote. The interim Senator. Oh Boy! The White House has been calling both the prez and speaker.
Bobby D will soon be asking members to take the nail-in-the-coffin vote. Walk the plank for Bobby D. Who cares about re-election.
I’m glad I’m not a freshmen rep.
The mid-day show on the new sports radio station is much better then dale and Holly. Scott Zolak is great.
Is it me or can you almost hear WEEI sweat over the airwaves?
I can’t take it after a while. I like Holly a lot better. I listened to the two morning guys today, even though they are brain dead, it’s more entertaining than baby Shaughnessy (Callahan). Now there’s one grumpy guy. Borges, Shaughnessy and Callahan, just get rid of those guys and sports talk will improve considerably.
I think this is on the bmg end, not mine.
p>Everything is suddenly HUGE — font, images, everything — as if a global format setting has been changed. Only for this site. Only in Firefox (v3.5.2), not in Safari, Chrome, or IE (all on my WinXP box). If I change the browser settings (Tools->Options…->Content->Size), I can fix it here — and it breaks all the other sites I visit.
p>Something changed earlier this morning. Can it be undone?
Not sure what might’ve happened. I don’t think we’ve made any major formatting changes today. I certainly haven’t.
p>Try it again — I was just experimenting with something that shouldn’t have had that kind of effect, but maybe it messed something up. I’m done now.
Hmmm … reminds me of the old joke about programming: “It’s like pulling a loose thread off a lapel button of your suit having your pants fall down.”
p>Sorry for the distraction, folks.
I haven’t changed anything here, guys.
p>Has somebody been pulling loose threads from buttons this afternoon?
Sorry, but I’m pretty sure it’s on your end — no one else seems to be having this problem.
Is the “Arts Boston” ad that floats and blocks the text. When I try mouse over to move it, I get more ads.
it should revert to the sidebar.
…just reload the page (possibly by closing out your browser entirely and starting from scratch). That happened once to me today too, but all it took to fix was a reload.
Clearing the cache, clearing cookies, etc.
p>I have a pile of plugins (I’m a software developer), and it seems to be specific to my system (it works fine on my wife’s machine in the next room, same browser same OS).
p>Oh well. If I figure it out, I’ll let you know.
Maybe your browser updated itself. BMG looks the same on mine.
In Yiddiish Ernie means computer programmer.
p>Let me book some time at the Jet Propulsion Labratory (JPL) and figure this out for you.
Depending on his strategy. If it’s “The others are politicians,” and he can actually pull that off, he might get some of the Lynch vote.
p>Right now, I say he’s not a factor until he can prove otherwise. It’s Capuano’s base vs. Martha’s statewide base. She would need a major gaffe (a bad debate, maybe) to lose. It seems unlikely — and that’s not to dismiss Capuano, I don’t. But I have to assume Lynch read the tea leaves and saw he couldn’t do it.
Where did you hear that Murray was Finance Chair? Globe reported it was Beth Boland (a long time friend) and someone else- Haven’t heard anything about Murray being directly connected to campaign- think you’ve been punked or it’s a dirty political trick- can you give me a link to the press release or story?
Murray is the honorary finance chair. Boland and Rep. Katherine Clark are the actual finance co-chairs.
We lost the political heavy weight champion. Capuano has gravitas…Coakley not so much. She has experience as a prosecutor, administrator and CEO of a statewide dept. Nothing in the legislative arena or DC/National scene. I expect to see the machines of most of the Congressional delegation ramp up for Capuano.
p>I’m thinking about power politics and what is needed for MA at this time to fill the void and I think a Congressperson is needed especially since C & C are coming out fairly similar on many issues. It boils down to a popularity contest and who can reach the voters.
p>I’m not here to do your homework boomer. Me saying it should be enough.
Can I pass your Lynch media platform on to Scott Brown’s people? It’s an equally good fit!
is them being nicer to callers….
p>i’m guessing they’ve seen a 30% drop already to 98.5
What’s up with Rubin and Pags?