Martha Coakley backed the public option at today’s health care rally. She spoke of the suffering caused by the current failures of our health care system with real passion. I think that shows in the photo my husband took, which I posted on facebook and linked, above.
She was not alone in backing that option. So did Mike Capuano, who also gave a stirring speech; you can feel the energy in the photo Mike Capuano He also really had the crowd with him.
Many came with home made signs: Lucy Francif and LWV Also Christine Aquilino
The energy level was huge. To win this senatorial election, the candidates will have to address this issue, no question.
Please share widely!
“To win this senatorial election, the candidates will have to address this issue, no question.”
p>Yes, Lynch figured out today that he can’t maintain his posture of indecision about his support for the public option or other particular aspects of reform.
is too slick by twice.
p>Maybe he used more than a “little dab“.
p>Remember, Congressman Brylcream, “a little dab will do ya.”
If you’re going to continue ragging on a guy you don’t like because of his hair, at least spell the insult correctly.
He dressed for a funeral, not a rally. Somehow all the other speakers managed to dress appropriately. Guess he missed the memo. đŸ˜‰
You do realize that endlessly repeating your little “brylcreem” joke from now until December doesn’t make it any funnier or more convincing, right?
If what I just read on Fire Dog Lake is true about Mike Capuano then I feel betrayed and his other constituents should, too. It’s at least worth a call to his office first thing Wednesday 9/9/09 (tel# below). Pinning Coakley–and all other candidates–down on the Public Option details is imperative.
Then the House leadership of Pelosi, Reid, Hoyer and Clyburn while you are at it.
p>It would be good to flesh out Coakley’s position.
p>I like Capuano, we’ll see where this goes.
not just Capuano but McGovern backtracked on the pledge they signed in July with that said No Public Option ‘No’ Vote.
p>it’s been reported that Capuano’s office was surprised the word got out. I guess they don’t read TPMdc. Subsequent callers were told that Capuano remains on board with his pledge. I would say,make the calls and ask him is he is standing by his pledge.
p>If you’re in McGovern’s district, call and ask where he stands on his pledge for a strong Public option. Let us know.
All the analysis I have heard concerning his speech has been that Obama will be definitive on the aspects of the reform bill that he “requires” but will vote “present” on the public option. He cannot say I need the PO or I’ll veto it but he also can’t say the PO is not needed. My guess is the statements thus far by Axlerod, Gibbs and Steny Hoyer from just a few minutes ago is we will get reform but NO PO.
p>Axlerod on “Meet the Press”.
p>Gibbs on “This Week”…
(6th district), who received loud cheers and applause at the rally when he stated that his first choice is a single-payer system, though he strongly supports the public option in the present debate over health insurance.
Seriously, this wanna be politician and her staff of 432 State employees ( wonder what that’s costing the taxpayers?) has pretty much indicted and prosecuted NOBODY here in what could easily be the most corrupt State in the Union.
Her biggest achievement thus far has been putting some little glue Company that made the epoxy for the tunnel fasteners in upstate NY out of business. Meanwhile every fat cat and crook associated with the big dig scam “walked” with the State getting pocket change in damages. NOBODY went to jail….NOBODY….. There were many , many of these dirtbags that belong in Walpole…what did Martha do….Nada (other than maybe accept a juicy campaign contribution here and there )
p>Have you noticed that any “big” indictments and prosecutions that happen here are made by the FED?…with Martha no where to be found?
Seriously folks, this women is a joke.
Name calling does not strengthen your post…if you ask the defense bar, and Attorney Coakley’s former boss, you will find that she is viewed as a thorough, tough opponent to face, and, in fact, “hard ass”.
p>I don’t agree with all of her positions – for example the position she took on the right of confrontation in Melendez-Diaz recently before the USSCT – but that too followed from being a prosecutor.
p>As to expecting Attorney General Coakley to single-handedly change the entrenched political culture of this state – where encumbants wear halos and crowns and play golf with lobbyists in Florida – no other Attorney General has succeeded in doing THAT – not even Scott Harshbarger or Tom Reilly – and I note that the majority of the Big Dig occurred long before Martha Coakley became attorney general.
p>What is your agenda, really?
What has Martha accomplished (please include her most significant indictments and prosecutions) and more importantly , What qualifies her to be a Senator?
p>2. more
p>3. Still more
p>4. Yet still more
p>What qualifies her to be a senator? In my opinion, some of what qualifies her to be a senator is:
p>1. Her passion for public service.
p>2. Her willingness to fight for the health of her employees despite the opposition of Chief Justice for Administration and Management Mulligan when she and the Middlesex DAs office were stuck in 40 Thorndike [I am very very familiar with her courage and compassion in that situation].
p>3. Her courage and grit.
p>4. Her ability to analyze and study out a situation, and determination to master new areas of knowledge.
p>5. The fact that she does NOT come from a political dynasty and worked to get where she is.
p>6. The reality that she engages in dialog, and shows respect for those with whom she disagrees.
p>7. Her staff answers letters and returns phone calls [something that certain other staffs don’t do].
p>I can go on. Want more?
Actually, I do want more.
p>What evidence do we have that she’d make a good legislator? I’m guessing that’s a very different talent from being a good executive.
There is “character evidence” that leads me to conclude Martha Coakley would be a good legislator. I gave some of that above – but as to “experience” in that role of a nature that would be admissible in court – no.
p>But then Ted Kennedy became a superb senator with no evidence of aptitude and no experience as a legislator that I am aware of. He none the less grew into the role at the level of senator – superbly.
p>The ability to consider all sides, evaluate information, and then come up with an understanding leading to a course of action IS relevant to the role of legislator and that, in my opinion, Martha Coakley has demonstrated.
p>So is the ability to choose a competent staff, delegate to and monitor that staff, and master a large body of knowledge. She has demonstrated this as well, to my satisfaction.
p>Unlike some, also, I don’t require that a candidate take positions that I agree with 100% [or even 75%] in order to garner my support. But then, that is another discussion entirely.
p>Suffice it to say I do not use litmus tests to choose who I support, nor have all my candidates always turned out in a manner that pleases me [think John Edwards!].
p>I will say, however, that the track record and integrity and compassion that I have seen from Martha Coakley deserve consideration and that I choose to support her – I know Martha Coakley and have seen her in action out of the limelight and choose to support her.
p>I am sure you support whomever you support for good reasons as well – so, kbush, on this one we will just agree to disagree and then support the Democratic nominee whomever that will be once the primary is over.
I don’t know who I’ll support. Just asking questions.
What I have already run into is folk “questioning” coakley’s qualifications but really doing so because they were already supporting someone else, you know? Anyway, I hope you will do your due diligence, decide whom to support, and that you will choose to support Martha Coakley. That may be a tall order, as there will be several excellent candidates, and the field isn’t even fully developed as yet. Thanks for listening; I choose early and barring unpleasant surprises expect to stay the course, as it were, since that is my preferred mode of operation.
AG Coakley has been an aggressive and successful advocate for all workers on wage and labor law enforcement.
p>Just stop by the AG’s website and count the number of wage and labor law cases AG Coakley has closed on behalf of workers in all sectors against employers who violate the laws.
p>That is a Ted Kennedy legacy I support.
Tooks aquick look at Jack12’s postings and own admissions. RMG guy crossing over to post.
p>Seems the RMG and GOP are more afriad of a Coakley candidacy then any other. Attacks are already starting (can Ed O’R be far behind?!)
I’d say he’s RMG’s billxi, but billxi posts as much there as here (and equally incoherently). He hates gays, Democrats, puppies, KBusch, “socialism”, etc. etc.
p>EaBo Clipper is a better example of a Mass. GOP mouthpiece. He speaks only in party approved talking points.